1st Grow Ever: Is Something Wrong?


Well-Known Member
alright, yes, you need research. But you dont have to be a dick to someone who hasnt done much.
Weed is a fucking plant, not a human child. If you fuck up, you can start over. So stop ragging
And YES, you can learn from experience, its actually the best way. A book doesnt give you hands on experience. I'm on my first grow right now, and yes, I have read many books, mags, and internet sites(mainly this one), and their looking fine, but the best learning experience from it was from doing it myself.

and I think Im doin pretty well


Well-Known Member
Yah, I never try to get too angry at the nubes, but obviously less research was done than he claims. I would recommend reading at the very least one instructional book on cannabis cultivation. I don't mean skim for the good stuff, I mean read every page, then you should know everything you need to know for a successful grow. Like Ed Rosenthal's, or the famous Jorge Cervantes book, for example. They basically cover everything, even advanced info like the cannabis life cycle hahaha. Knowledge is power man.

But for real, I don't mean to crap on your parade. If you have to move, do you have any friends that could babysit until you're acclimated at your new pad? Otherwise if you are interested in the ISO route, there are plenty of instructions on this site on how to do it.

Added: To davickm1, I am not being a dick, what I told him will help him more than anything you said, I'm the only one thats trying to save him some time, energy, and disappointment here. You can not flower a plant in 4.5 weeks, what's so bad about me saying this? If he did enough research, he would know that. That's all that I said. Now I'm encouraging him to explore what options he DOES have, so get off my back hater. Although I do love my haters :hump:


Active Member
aight well my bad for getting upset but you caught me at the end of a bad day, and my plants are basically like my kids, i took it personally. basically i have 5 weeks until i have to move but i will still own the apt for another month after that, giving me 9 weeks in total. Its not a loss to grow a shitty plant for me for at least 3 reasons. im not going to cut it down for sure, since i am not paying for utilites in the place its basically like free bud. secondly i am new to growing and even if i get a crappy yield i will know better what to do when i start the next grow, which i will have plenty of time to complete. thridly i have no bud as of right now, 2 shitty plants that give 1/8 each is still 1/4 ounce more than i have now. i suppose i will just do what it takes to give them a full 9 weeks and have a bro check in on them/ drive my ass back on the weekends.


Well-Known Member
Research is good. You should know what you are doing when it comes to just about anything in life, and if you do want good plants it is necessary.
Hands on experience help quite a bit though


New Member
Its still better to read then grow/not grow then read put the horse in front of the cart.
Hope they work out for you most people are on this site to help but sometimes its to late to help ok, we all like to see good weed we are all in the same boat, lovers of the herb, peace man.


Well-Known Member
lol if i only knew what you were doing that Im not, if this is day 25? on cfl?? it looks good to me, and I'm growing caramelicious too. show u a pic, I'm having lower leaf problems, prob due to nute deficiency... tap water here has tons of minerals, so I put a water softner on the house.. forgot that may filter out all the good stuff... most of the growth is in last 6-7 weeks, but they are 5 months old.. (1st grow head first with no water in pool) but learning a ton as i grow) if anyone wants to offer help my thread is here.



Well-Known Member
yeah, but 2.5 months of it was me trying to figure out how to get them to grow at all. I almost killed them over and over, trying many different ideas to get them to grow faster. I under watered and probably too much light when they were very small, so they just stayed stunted in growth


Well-Known Member
haha its cool. As long as they keep growing.
I almost killed my transplanting it a few weeks ago but it came out fine.

They cant have too much light. I vegged mine at 24/0 for a while then switched to 18/6 and their fine


Well-Known Member
nope, been using them for a month in a half or so. Got ten in my veg box right now

250w hps coming in like 3 weeks