1st Grow DWC 400watt growbox LST


Well-Known Member
WELL, Look what i did. hehe. lets see if this works as good as they say they do, AND i made a slight change, im sure other people have done it, but the end of the feedertube, instead of just trickling out, i put a sprayer. So, bubbleponics? :) but with a sprayer head, so kind of like aeroponics.
check it out. I hope this helps :)

What you guys think eh?


Active Member
i've never seen it with the sprayer on the end, i'll wait to see your results. Typically in BP, you want a slow trickle in the rootzone, to keep your media moist. I suppose the spray nozzle would do the same thing, never seen it tho. BTW, do you ever find algae in you res? What do you think about the liquid karma? I stopped using it until flowering, I didn't like the dark water in my veg res. =)


Well-Known Member
the sprayer isnt spraying very hard, its soft 360Degree spray. I figured it would do the same thing as well, maybe even better, since a spray is more fine=more air. We will see. Glad to have a bubblehead here :) . Ok, story about algae. The first time i filled the res i used tap water, and i dont think it was completely light proof, and i found some algae, not much. The 2nd time i filled the res, the light proofing was the same, but i used RO water. NO algae, just dark sediment from the Liquid Karma. ill get to that in a min. Now i just refilled my res. and relightproofed it. so NO light in there now. and no algae growth yet. So i think im in the clear on the algae now. I like the liquid Karma so far, but i dont like what it puts dark stuff in my res. it has like this dark stuff that sticks to the roots and the walls, not alot, but i dont like that. BUT i think that stuff is the reason it helps so much, i'm pretty sure its meant to stick to roots and boost growth. I've thought about cutting down on it, but i dont know yet. I really dont like the dark stuff.

Thanks for your response :)

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
I just caught up on your thread and they're looking good. Good job with the LST. I don't use Liquid Karma so I don't know anything about it, but most people I have talked to say not to use it until flowering. I don't like the idea of a brown res. Maybe it's just me. Looks great though, keep it up. Subscribed.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man i see you decided to go through the side, I think it will be a good addition to your grow+rep


Active Member
the sprayer isnt spraying very hard, its soft 360Degree spray. I figured it would do the same thing as well, maybe even better, since a spray is more fine=more air. We will see. Glad to have a bubblehead here :) . Ok, story about algae. The first time i filled the res i used tap water, and i dont think it was completely light proof, and i found some algae, not much. The 2nd time i filled the res, the light proofing was the same, but i used RO water. NO algae, just dark sediment from the Liquid Karma. ill get to that in a min. Now i just refilled my res. and relightproofed it. so NO light in there now. and no algae growth yet. So i think im in the clear on the algae now. I like the liquid Karma so far, but i dont like what it puts dark stuff in my res. it has like this dark stuff that sticks to the roots and the walls, not alot, but i dont like that. BUT i think that stuff is the reason it helps so much, i'm pretty sure its meant to stick to roots and boost growth. I've thought about cutting down on it, but i dont know yet. I really dont like the dark stuff.

Thanks for your response :)
sounds good. keep it up!!!bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Shiny: Welcome aboard :) glad to have you along. thanks for taking the time to read and check it all out, as well as thanks for the kind words. Not until flowering eh? well i wont be starting flowering much longer from now. but maybe ill cut back on it till then. brown res. isnt something im too fond of as well, but i'll deal with it for now. We'll see what happens.

BigL and STG thanks for the kind words. we'll see where this goes now. i put the tubes in at 7pm. my lights came on at 6pm. so I'm going to see what one full day cycle does for me with this new system.


Well-Known Member
sounds interesting...wanna see how this works for you...How are they looking now?To me they were starting to look not so good.What ppm you runnin?


Well-Known Member
welcome to the grow purp! been reading your journal as well :)
Well I just put the sprayers in yesterday. So I was hoping to improve growth with adding the tubes. as ive seen how well it works for all you bubbleheads. Well both plants are LST'd. The bogglegum is healthy as can be, and loving everything i do. The hindu skunk, is the one that isnt looking so well, thought it is about a week younger, and shows faster growth compared to the time the other one took to get roots down, But it seems as though its struggling with something. Maybe too strong of nutes, or nute lockout? I'm now looking into ways of fixing this one.

The bogglegum as of now looks awesome. The Hindu skunk still isn't doing well, I'm gonna post a pick of it soon so you guys can see, but the lowest leaves are showing alot of yellowing and drying. the plant it self is quite light green, so leads me to believe nute burn or lockout. At 1st I thought it was just struggling to get its roots out as its only a week old.

What you think?


Hey man I amthinking about doing a DWC I am a soil grower but I am very intrested in hydro. so I will be along for the ride, looks good keep up the work


Well-Known Member
Okay so i think the yellowing in the leaves is/was nute burn. plus the plant struggling. So what i did today was took 3 gallons out of the res. (there was about 11 in it the plants drank 1 gallon) and replaced it with 3 gallons of PH balanced tap water. Thinking of throwing in some H202 to help the res stay good and help the roots out. The water line is now about an inch below the net pots. I hope this fixes my problems with the Hindu Skunk. On a good note. FAST ROOT GROWTH! I put the feeders in yesterday. and today. there is 4 new roots comming out of the Hindu Skunk. I adjusted the amount of water comming out to be a little less as well. You can compare growth in pics from this post and the last 2 posts. They really helped. in just 24hours too! Any tips questions or comments? talk with me :) Mostly going good so far.

Here is the root growth for comparison.

Hindu Skunk (look at the little ones starting to come out ALL new)

And a few shots of the plants just so you guys have some stuff to look at :)
Hindu Skunk (starting to pick up a bit, hopefully the changes help)

Bogglegum ( showing LOTS of growth. side growth is really starting to stand up)



Well-Known Member
thanks for the replys. thats wut im hoping for. should get real good real soon. i dont have much time to veg longer, gonna be switching to flowering on the 18th it looks like


The grow is looking great.

i have a few questions?

What is your ph?
ideal ph is around 5.5 - 5.8

how high are you lights from the top of the plants?

Do you have a way to adjust the light height?

How do you plan on controlling the smell of your plants?
because they will get STRONG aroma to them.

what is your water temperature?

with a DWC system you want the water to be around 65 to 68 degrees.
you may have to freeze 2liters full of water and drop them in daily:roll: i know its a pain in the ass, but if the water gets too hot you could get root rot.

I am currently using a DWC system with a 55gal res. i could not cool the water sufficently with bottles so i had to drop $400 on a chiller, but now i can cool the water to a constant 55 degrees.

before i got my chiller, my water was 89 degrees under 2-600watt light, and my roots were yellow-brown and they looked collapsed. i used some "AquaShield" and it work perfectly, my roots were a bright white color and healthy

P.s. any kind of pump in the res will add heat to the water...
your air pumps pump air through your water, if the air is 80 degrees those pimps are pumping 80 degree air through your air stones in your res causing the water to heat up quicker.

also those plant will start to drink a lot of water(1 gal a day) so you could fill to res to the second or third circular supports on the net pots. it is good to cover all the roots with water. or they could dry out

also ideal ph for the res is 5.5-5.8.

For your next grow, maybe this one. look into the method SCROG (Screen of Green) growing. I think it would be perfect for your setup.

Grow is looking GREAT, keep it up

Ill be following your grow

Stay hazedbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply and glad to have you along.
PH is at 5.8 i keep it there always.
right now my light is about 16-18inches from the top of the plant, its on chains so i can adjust the height as the plant grows.
I may get a carbon filter, but i dont really care about smell much. so as for now nothing, I'm fine with my room smelling like DANK
My water temp stays 60-70F mostly. it can get colder during lights off though. I Have ideal weather here. I just put a pump in the water yesterday but it doesnt produce too much heat its small (185gph), i'll probably be taking out the feedertubes/pump in about a week or 2 anyways.

I have the water about 1inch below the net pots because i have 2 feeder tubes going up into each pot spraying around the rootbase. its called bubbleponics. it really speeds up root growth alot.

I looked into scrog but decided not to with this grow because i believe you need a longer veg time? and i can only veg up to next sunday (i need to harvest before christmas when i go out of town)
I want to scrog, maybe next time, i'm pretty sure using LST like i am, i can pull something good off. i hope.

thanks for the words. :)


Well-Known Member
seems like they are making a BIG difference. I haven't looked at em today yet but i will soon. we'll see wut the last 24hours brought.

I feel the roots have a little brown to them, i think cuz the liquid Karma, so im going to stop using that until 2nd week of flowerinig, as well as add H2O2 to the mix, just incase you know?