Switched the clones over to the aeroponic cloner. Hopefully see some difference soon.
I meant to ask...Why did you make an areo-cloner? Didn't you find the bubble cloner sufficient?
looks good still for a hermie
i still dont understand this light leak your talking about ......light escaping out from the room ?? or other light coming in the room ?? or light when dark period ?? just trying to figure it out
that makes sense to me, but what about the moonlight in nature!? the moon gets really bright sometimes.yeah - light leaks make hermies... and if they are bad enough, they will prevent flowering all together.
one of the ways you can force a female to produce pollen sacks (to create female seeds) is to use "light poisoning" by turning the lights on at random intervals during their dark cycle.
they get cranky if they dont get their full 12 hrs of sleep, in total darkness.
that makes sense to me, but what about the moonlight in nature!? the moon gets really bright sometimes.
as usual KC, good stuff...you an older fellow?But the moon is an "equal array of light" mate as in it's focused on the plant as a whole (similar to supplementing your dark cycles with green hued bulbs). However if only a small percentage of the buds are being lit, the plant is stressed because of the mixed signals. Hope I could clear that up for you
as usual KC, good stuff...you an older fellow?
wow man looks great,
great idea
But the moon is an "equal array of light" mate as in it's focused on the plant as a whole (similar to supplementing your dark cycles with green hued bulbs). However if only a small percentage of the buds are being lit, the plant is stressed because of the mixed signals. Hope I could clear that up for you
yeah - light leaks make hermies... and if they are bad enough, they will prevent flowering all together.
one of the ways you can force a female to produce pollen sacks (to create female seeds) is to use "light poisoning" by turning the lights on at random intervals during their dark cycle.
they get cranky if they dont get their full 12 hrs of sleep, in total darkness.