1st grow Dr Greenthumb Oh! Zone


Well-Known Member
The stems are dry to the touch but when I bend them they dont snap they just bend I guess im close 1or 2 more days I reckon

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
You mean before you jar them right? How long has it been? Mine never get to the point of snapping but just split. They do tend to moisten up a bit once jarred as well so check them daily (open jar). I vape my weed so it doesn't need to be quite as dry as smoking either.


Well-Known Member
Yea im going to jar them, I got 62 humidity packs from boveda its been 2 days but the humidity is low 50s so imma give it a day or 2 more I took the thickest branch n bent it, was dry to the touch but bent didnt break

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Yea im going to jar them, I got 62 humidity packs from boveda its been 2 days but the humidity is low 50s so imma give it a day or 2 more I took the thickest branch n bent it, was dry to the touch but bent didnt break
I let mine hang trimmed for close to a week sometimes. Never used the packs though.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Havent trimmed just cut off fan leaves but wut was ur humidity and temp
LOL what ever the room is. I hang mine in the corner of my grow shed out of direct light with air circulating lightly. It's always changing re temp and humidity so it's done when it's done lol. It's the only place I can do it due to people around all the time. My bigger outdoor grows hang in the back of a panel van until processed but are trimmed wet using trimpro machines.


Well-Known Member
Im having a problem they are hanging day 3 but are so sticky I cant tell if they are drying or not smh when I touch for dry on the outside my fingers get sticky

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Sounds like they may be a tad wet but hard to say. Have you tried smoking a small joint and does it stay lit. Pretty much should be able to keep a joint going when dried enough to jar. Better to error on the side of a bit to dry IMO or you'll get a wet grass smell.


Well-Known Member
O they still hanging I just took a few down.. gonna leave hung till monday humidity down to 46 temp resting at 73


Well-Known Member
Well took down plants today small fan leaves were crisp so I figured I better cut down trim n jar to b safe, very sticky gummed up my little trimmers kept sticking closed so I got some scissors instead. Now jarring adding boveda 62, let the burping begin tommorrow...

Plant A-90grams 3 oz well say

Plant B-55 grams just shy of 2 oz

Plant C-coming soon

Hopefully I can get 2oz off plant c to finish with about 7oz

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Pics? Just flipped mine but I've got some light leak issues to attend to still. Took clones off of the lower stuff yesterday as well. Trying to keep this one till spring for some outdoor plants and possibly a reveg in the fall if all goes well. If not I guess I'll be headed to Ottawa for some beans. Maybe try a few of his different strains as well. Really impressed by consistency of these girls as well, almost identical plants.


Well-Known Member
bob..they are supposed to be pretty all crispy when then go i jars..like the stems too ..because they get uncrispy in there..

all the best budley..i just wanna see some finished oh zone shots

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
image.jpeg The stretch is on :o! As of last Friday they were just below the small piece of plywood so 8" in 4 days :o! Gonna have to do some major training and turn on the other 600 as its now a 4x4 footprint. Sorry if I'm high jacking Bob just wanted to keep all up to date. The other issue is my Res temp is down to 53 so I may throw a heater in but they do seem pretty content :). How's the jarred stuff coming?


Well-Known Member
O its coming along and no dr gruber I let it hang first I got 2 chemo leaning phenos had some in my pocket and a lady asked me if that was me that smelled like that I said huh to play it off

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Actually mine is quite odourless right now but that's a good thing I think?? Pretty sure when plants smell lots they are stressed a bit so happy means less stinky is the theory. So Bob how bout some picks lol. Love seeing great dried nugs,