1st grow complete need advice


:evil: hey fro swFL just completed 1st outdoor grow 3 plants in recycle bin look good, how to dry and cure? nice pics too grown outdoors all female big bud and 4way small yeild think kids are raping plants slowly ,bud or 2 evry few days plants still putting out white pistols turn purple but majority have turned plant still growing? indoor at night keep warm still 85 duing day should I pick and hang now??? dont know if i can show a pic


:evil: hey fro swFL just completed 1st outdoor grow 3 plants in recycle bin look good, how to dry and cure? nice pics too grown outdoors all female big bud and 4way small yeild think kids are raping plants slowly ,bud or 2 evry few days plants still putting out white pistols turn purple but majority have turned plant still growing? indoor at night keep warm still 85 duing day should I pick and hang now??? dont know if i can show a pic
this whole grow was just somethin to do did ok ask for help ,NONE went EVERYWHERE read everything nothing answered my question even after sending pics what part of 1st ever dont you understand anyway I am sure there are plenty of other sites to waste my time on thanks


Well-Known Member
Sorry dude but no pics and you tend to get fuck all replys except.. ''post pics'' so im guna say the same


Well-Known Member
It's hard to understand what you are asking as well as your exact conditions... you'd probably get better help if you were to explain your situation a bit more.. Getting hateful within 10 minutes of posting is not the way to get help...

if they're white pistils still growing out of the buds, it isn't done...

If kids are ripping off your plant, set up some sort of trip wire or alarm or something, as long as you are legal to grow of course... A nice big dog is never a bad thing either... :lol:

If you're bringing it in at night allready, i'd suggest just growing indoors... really...


posted pics in post pic area on web sight
so it is possible these are still growing outdoors .And I did post pics, in post your pics ,The sight is hard to learn to navigate... been watching and reading for months thats how I got this far!!! wasnt hateful just expected something after a week, dont want to ruin the plants, they have been in the ground a long time recycle bin.


Have two harleys in garage behind house and i can barely get the bin on a cart in (to heavy to lift) just started bringing in because of missing buds if I left it there the bikes would have to go that wont happen