Well.. Sorry I couldn't update last night. It was a very tough, weird, day. Also, when I went to harvest, I found that my camera had been left on and was out of batteries. There was no way in hell that I wasn't harvesting, so no pics of the harvest itself, but I will get pics of the nugs asap. I do, however, have the final results for wet.
So, I have 2 different ceramic bowls that I've been using for leaf drying, so I appropriated the smaller of the 2 for fine trimmings. I used pruning shears for the chop and for the fine trimming. So, there were 2 ways to go about this.. I could have easily cut the entire thing off at the stalk and called it a day. We've all seen that. Instead, I opted to dig through the nugget and clip out the stalk and stems so that I could re-veg. it. Of course, that loses 'sale' weight, but I'm not selling.

I removed the plant from the cup, tore the bottom half of the dirt off and knocked a lot more dirt off the to get the rootball down to a smaller size and started clipping. I put the trimmings in the one ceramic bowl, the few leaves in another ceramic bowl and the nugs on a plate. I left a couple of tiny (not a bowlpack, together) "nugs" at the bottom of the stalk that looked like the only possible vegetation left and after that, I did my cup in a cup idea, with the inner cup having no bottom. I filled a bit of that with Miracle Grow (non-organic) potting soil and dropped the rootball in, then topping off and wetting it. After that, I dropped her into the veg. case and I'm filled with hope for her.
So.. you guys don't care about that. Everyone wants to know weight, right? Well.. not too thrilling, but I already knew it wouldn't be. One thing to note before I disclose that is that I put her in the dark in a closet that is really dry, so she actually dried quite a bit on the stalk. I won't do that again. So.. 7.4 G barely wet and 1.3 G fine trimmings, which I will dry and cure for hash later. I left the nugs on the plate out to dry and will flip them over a few times between now and Saturday. On Saturday, I will jar them for curing and they will sit there until I'm back from my vacation. Of course, you'll have dry weight and pics on Saturday, which should close this thread out.