1st grow. CFL. 4 Weeks into Flowering.


Well-Known Member
congrats, so she went right about 60 days, what were the thrichs looking like? Make sure you report back with the dry weight and the smoke report.........


Well-Known Member
Hey, hey! That turned out really nice. I used MG nutes last year too and had pretty good success. I'm thinking about going with fox farm this time around. How old was she when you started flowering? Once again, Good job!


Active Member
she was a few weeks shy of 3 months old once flowering was started.
wet weight wasnt calculated, more concerned with dry.
thanks for the comments guys, the CFL boards have been a great resource throughout the whole process. hopefully i'll have more to share with my next project.


Well-Known Member
Just finished reading entire thread, looks great. I'm assuming that it was a sativa strain. Nice work. :clap: