1st grow, can you tell expected yield?


Well-Known Member
9" Rhinowreck A - LST :bigjoint:
7" Rhinowreck B - dwarf :bigjoint:
17" Blueberry B -
21" Blueberry C -
9" Blueberry D - runt
11" Superskunk -

all from bagseed, so not positive on genetics

Been flowering 1 week. If they are all females what might I be expecting to be working with?

4.19 sq.ft. area. 6 plants. 23,150 lumens cfl. 4 bulbs 5000k 8 bulbs 2700k



Well-Known Member
All depends on what skill you have. First grow. about a oz per plant if you do good. I know just to prove me wrong you'll get 3. lol


Well-Known Member
Yeah with that size and low amount of nodes I would guess a O per plant less on the Berrys. No matter what you yeild, it's yours to smoke and I am always up for fresh homegrown.,


Active Member
It gets addictive, I am on my second grow at the moment. I actually got a yield on my first grow, which so I was told is a great thing to accomplish on your first grow. With the CFL's they wont reach their full potential, and some of these old timers will hate on you, but if it works for you, fuckem. Keep learning, and keep quiet about it. I learn all my tricks from the net. Some work, some don't. Keep with it, and in about a month, you will have some kill:)


Well-Known Member
I get 1-2.5 vegging with cfl's and flower with 400w hps. This time around I'm using higher end nutes, mh veg and hps flower. Shooting for 3'-4' plants.


Well-Known Member
I get 1-2.5 vegging with cfl's and flower with 400w hps. This time around I'm using higher end nutes, mh veg and hps flower. Shooting for 3'-4' plants.
Veg Hard man. When you think there ready to go into flowering, drop them into a 5 gallon bucket and wait 2-3 weeks.


Well-Known Member
your saying to wait and keep vegging so the roots have time to explode into the new soil?


Well-Known Member
What I do is bring them up in a 1 gallon until they hit veg stage, then a 3 gallon until they they are ready to flower, then clone a few and trans into a 5 gallon. then wait 2 weeks. DOing this makes for a nice root ball and layers of roots from middle out, instead of the roots going straight out to there limit ( 3-5 gallon) and circleing around container leaving the middle untouched.
Also when they mature and are ready to flower, if you keep them in veg, they EXPLODE. Man many many new nodes and future bud sites appear, yields can double or even triple.