1st Grow Bubbler Hydroponic w/ LED's / CFL's


Active Member
Ok so this is my first official grow using hydroponics. Im going to attempt an LED grow with CFL's. I know a lot of people are skeptical about using LEDs but hopefully we can break that.

So far ive had these plants in the bubbler system for about 3 weeks. I added some pictures of the setup. Ive reading about topping/pruning to increase your number of buds but im not sure when to start topping off each plant. Comments/concerns would be much appreciated!

Also, i was thinking about getting another blue LED panel soon so i can move the plants into the four separate corners for more room to grow out...good idea? bad idea?



Active Member
ok so i have been wondering whats been going on with this plant for a week or so. It has this discoloration on the top of some of its leaves. I dont think its nutrient burn but i could be wrong. Can you have nutrient burn on one plant while the others do not? especially since its in a hydroponic system....tell me if im wrong. Also, still waiting on some advice about the lights...(check previous post)

You may or may not be able to see what im talking about on these pictures...

