1st Grow - Bubbleponic Cabinet Grow 250w + CFL


Active Member
wow looking great bro, I hope my ladies will look as good as yours at 42 days of flowering. + rep for you dude!
Thanks man! They look frostier and frostier every day. I am getting close to my hard work paying off...not really that hard I am down there every other day now, they are on auto pilot. All I do is add some water, nutes and dream about smoking them.


Active Member
Just a pic update... I am into the 7th week of folwering and all is great! There are 2 runts and 1 medium size lady and 2 large bitches. The white widow and one of the slee stack are the smallest and are off to the side. The bag seed and one of the largest slee stack plants are getting the most light and have been the biggest since the beggining even though the bag seed got off to a slow start. The bag seed does not look nearly as frosty as the other strains but it will have to do. The largest of them all has a lot of side sites that are lookin good too.

Anyway, enjoy the pics...

Oh yah I got one of those battery operated air freshners from air wick I think, it has been a god send. I was starting to smell the odor outside the garage, not anymore. You can't even smell them in the garage.



Active Member
Very nice bro...I just started 12/12 yesterday. hope my buds look that nice.
Thanks man, it's getting close, I can smell it...
Looking real nice my friend. Can't wait till you post final pics.
Soon homie, have a happy 4:20! I just got a $13 magnifier from Radio Shack, I'll have to start taking a look, I think I am going to harvest at 50/50 amber/cloudy trics.
Peace out!


Active Member
What up yall! I just got a magnifier from Radio Shack and took a look at the trics for the first time. It's pretty cool to see those under the scope. Most are clear to semi cloudy. Hopefullt they will start looking milky and amber so I can chop these babies down. The hairs are starting to change color, so hopefully they'll be ready in a week or two.

The Lucas formula is the shit. I haven't changes the res for over a month now and I've spent about $24 in nutes for the whole grow. We'll have to wait and see the final weight for 5 ladies under a 250 watt HPS.

Peace out pics coming soon... I think Ill just post some harvest pics next since its getting close.


Active Member
What up yall! I just got a magnifier from Radio Shack and took a look at the trics for the first time. It's pretty cool to see those under the scope. Most are clear to semi cloudy. Hopefullt they will start looking milky and amber so I can chop these babies down. The hairs are starting to change color, so hopefully they'll be ready in a week or two.

The Lucas formula is the shit. I haven't changes the res for over a month now and I've spent about $24 in nutes for the whole grow. We'll have to wait and see the final weight for 5 ladies under a 250 watt HPS.

Peace out pics coming soon... I think Ill just post some harvest pics next since its getting close.


Well-Known Member
:hump:Damn Ledzep! Your plants are looking absolutely Fantastic! I've been off Rainmanning thru some other Forums looking for new ideas. I am so glad I got back before you Harvested, I will stick around for the SHOW! I notice you built a taller flower area. Please tell me you have the next round started in the old one?


Active Member
:hump:Damn Ledzep! Your plants are looking absolutely Fantastic! I've been off Rainmanning thru some other Forums looking for new ideas. I am so glad I got back before you Harvested, I will stick around for the SHOW! I notice you built a taller flower area. Please tell me you have the next round started in the old one?
Thanks man! Unfortunately, I am wrapping it up for this round. It gets way too hot here in the summer and I can't grow in the house so ill have to wait till november or so, I think ill have enough to last.

I decided to chop them down tomorrow. Ill post some pics and when they dry, ill post the weight.

Thanks again bro...
Peace out


Active Member
What Up! CHOP CHOP all morning long....
Sad to say that is it for this round, and I am kinda relieved.
I could smell these babies down the street! Now my guest room smells like a skunk factory :weed:

Well not much to report, the last month was smooth sailing, I will definately do the Lucas Formula next time.

Oh yah the white widow didn't hardley produce a thing, maybe a quater bag. The bag seed was shwag, maybe a half oz+, and the slee stack looks awesome!, maybe a QP+

Things to consider:
More space!
More Light 600w+
Water source (haulinig buckets of water sucks)
Better odor control
Grow the same strain at the same time, (no more bag seed!!! what a waste)

Well enjoy the pics and I will post the weight after they dry!



Looks nice LZ, cant wait till I can chop my ladies, you were right about them taking off when you start flowering, its like a jungle in my tent


Well-Known Member
Nice Job Bro! Pics Look Awesome! I cant wait for your next grow, I wish you were not taking the summer off. I bet you could get a quick round off before temps get too bad? How about a quick 12/12 from seed run? Would help you further learn the craft, plus give you a few other things to deal with, and experience with problems makes you that much better a grower. I would rather have dealt with a problem and figure the solution, than fear having problems? You know what I mean? AnyWho, Let me know when you start up again, and with a few small mods, we can maximize your Grow/Garden! Rock On!


Active Member
Looks nice LZ, cant wait till I can chop my ladies, you were right about them taking off when you start flowering, its like a jungle in my tent
Thanks man, it was an exciting day! Good luck on your grow!

Lookin good man!!! smokey smokey :)
Thanks bro can't wait to give this wacky tobacky a try!

Nice Job Bro! Pics Look Awesome! I cant wait for your next grow, I wish you were not taking the summer off. I bet you could get a quick round off before temps get too bad? How about a quick 12/12 from seed run? Would help you further learn the craft, plus give you a few other things to deal with, and experience with problems makes you that much better a grower. I would rather have dealt with a problem and figure the solution, than fear having problems? You know what I mean? AnyWho, Let me know when you start up again, and with a few small mods, we can maximize your Grow/Garden! Rock On!
Thanks man not too bad fo rthe first grow, your right it was a little easy, not that many problems came up. On the other hand I only got a few oz's out of 5 plants two hardley porduced a thing and the shwag ass bag seed took up a lot of space. I would love more space, a permanent water source and a controlled climate but I don't need that much smoke, this will last a while. Thanks for the thoughts, Ill be checking in once in a while and Ill let you know how it smokes.