1st Grow Box Grow & Need Advice!


Alright, with the help of someone, I had the opportunity to get better shots of this plant that I named, "LP." They look a little better.. I am confused, though. Because the plant looks like it's budding but it also has some odd looking "sacks" on the bottom of them. Also, the Oguana Kush looks like it's showing the same features. Hmm... Anyway, I leave these pictures in the hopes that someone with knowledge can help me rule it out: Female or Not?

Bless and Love.


I will post pictures of the Oguana Kush as soon as she's showing more strong gender features.



Well, as it turns out, my only Oguana Kush survivor turned out to be nonetheless; Hermaphrodite! 'Shim' was chopped down and thrown away. So, the only lone survivor(s) are/is: The Hawaiian Snow by Green House Seeds, Co,!!

Week II of Flower!

*600 Watt HPS with regular winged hood.
*4x4x6.5 Grow Tent.
*440CFM High CFM Centrifugal Fan with Activated Carbon Filter.
*5Gal Miracle Grow "Organic Mix" with 20% Perlite.
*Feeding Veg+Bloom as recommended @ .50tbps/Gallon of RO Water. I may increase the dose to .75 to see if she can take more nutrients for to help her much more in bloom. Feeding/Watering ever other day and sometimes I extend it to two dry days before watering and she seems to be OK.
*Temperatures Averages @ 81F - 84F day and 75F to 69F during the night.
*Humidity Averages @ 35% - 48%.

Well, as of today..... the Snow has started to fall on Hawaiian Snow as her "Snow" (Crystals aka Trichomes) are beginning to appear and her "smell" is starting to accentuate, daily. Even the times I get to do a little "pruning" (Lollipop) from the bottom, the cuttings smell like Bubbalicious' Tropical Fruit Bubble Gum! Yes, it's that amazing! I have been LST'ing since her last two weeks of Vegging and she is doing well. The inner growth as already ressembeled "Cola-Like" growth and are beginning to shoot up! I feel blessed at this phenomenon that is, Nature. I took a few pictures to show you guys and I will keep posting throughout the weeks to come until Harvest, Curing and a Strain Review IF requested by you great souls from Rollitup.org

On a final note, I wonder how big a yield this would provide given the fact that she's in a 5Gal Bucket and has 600 Watts of HPS all for herself...? Hmmm... It is tantalizing to know in advance but I will let nature take its own course because nature is so beautiful and unpredictable! As is our Father and Creator! Have an Enormous Blessed Weekend!

Bless and Love!



Well, I have been really really tied up to my bed for the past week because my back wants to give out for sure. With these massive herniated discs, Neuropathy, Damaged Nerve Root and no Meds (Bud) makes it really much difficult to function. Anyway, off with the sad stories and here's an update on Week III!


She has grown at least 5" more since last week and she even got greener, after I doubled the Nutrient Dosage to 1.50 instead of the recommended because she was looking very yellow and pale. I may add some more as she seems to like the new doubling of the feed, so I will play with her food a little more; bare with me, I'm a newbie. Her bud sites and specially her main colas are growing denser and denser by the day and she is also snowing quite a lot with noticeable Trichomes as soon as you peek in. As you can see, she has been LST'd since her last 2 weeks of Vegging and the middle bud sites have been shooting up like main colas and she is looking gorgeous. Do I need to take the tie downs? Hmmm...

Also, I have two more Hawaiian Snow Ladies that have been vegging for quite a while and may end up throwing them away because I am moving out of state and will not be able to transport because of the "Legality" of it and I cannot afford to wait another 11+ weeks for these other two ladies to finish flower.

Here are the pics! I will post more pictures for Week IV (4)!
