1st Grow... Blueberry


Well-Known Member
Hey never smoke,

Tagging is bad, but nice artwork. Odd member name.

You need more lights, higher quality lights, and you need to transplant.

Good luck, keep us posted



Well-Known Member
It's overwatered, you've got it in a container with NO DRAINAGE, that's bad and is also likely totally fucking up your pH.

TRANSPLANT NOW ?INTO A REAL POT WITH HOLES, then flush the crap out of the soil and wait a few days.


Well-Known Member
lol it died.... i got really lazy... i have three main ones about to start flowering, and those two seedlings are doing ok, i havent posted pics cause i need a better cam


Well-Known Member
cameras are as good as their optics, digital or analog - PERIOD.

If you want good pics, avoid using a camera phone unless you're an experienced photographer with a good knowledge of parallax and light-bending from using non-standard lenses with your photography equipment.