1st grow bagseed... just one

Looking good
Looks like the plant might have suffered minor nute burn but other than that DANK!
Strong looking plant with good looking bud

Definately dont harvest too soon, wait for atleast 3/4 of all the tricomes change to a hazel brown color.. Pulling your plant to early culd ruin your buds tast and potency
thanks man, and ya i think i had some temp issues, but everything seems to be ok now, and shes definitly starting to turn amber, so im thinking its gunna be soon, ill get some new pics up in the next couple days


Well-Known Member
nice ive always wanted to grow outside, ive seen some pretty big trees that my friends have grown, but its pretty hard to do in canada, not that long of a growing season, at least where i live. but ya im just gunna try to do it see if it works, if not whatever i still managed to get some homegrown out of her. plus it was a bagseed so no money lost on real good seeds.
it has been 40 days flower today so im thinkin another 2 or 3 days then im gunna go dark for the last day, and im picking up a magnifyier so i can look at them trichomes.
u'll probably have a bit more than that left to wait, but not too long i wouldnt think
see if u can find a good camera to take some close-ups on, if not its all you
-stoked for a good harvest, keep us posted!
u'll probably have a bit more than that left to wait, but not too long i wouldnt think
see if u can find a good camera to take some close-ups on, if not its all you
-stoked for a good harvest, keep us posted!
ya actually i thought it was later in the month than it is haha, but im bying a camera on the 1st of feb and i think shes gunna be done right around then, (the first will be 48 days flower) so hopefully i can get some better pics up before its too late.

thanks all who helped out and my next grow will be some real seeds, gunna order me some northern lights and pineapple princess maybe try to breed something outa thoes, and try to keep this plant around, maybe breed her into it too. but ya if i get that new camera in time ill put up some good pics up, if not ill put up some pics after harvest, and a smoke report.... all that good stuff

anyways peace love and happy growing


Well-Known Member
holy shit man, u hit the jackpot on bagseed to grow, that stuff is beautiful!! talk about fall colors!! :weed:
DEFINITELY find someway to keep this strain alive, whether u clone or re-veg
holy shit man, u hit the jackpot on bagseed to grow, that stuff is beautiful!! talk about fall colors!! :weed:
DEFINITELY find someway to keep this strain alive, whether u clone or re-veg
haha thanks man and ya im pretty stoked about this plant, i love the purple and yellow. gunna try my hardest to reveg then clone as much as possible, i wanna see what she will do if i top, and i wanna try a lst, haha so much to try not enough plants... yet....

but ya im hoping for at least a half, but who knows shes super thick, and the main stem is around 10" tall, so maybe up close to an ounce...


Well-Known Member
yea im thinkin with the week or so shes got left, id give ya around 20 grams
-id say within the next couple days u should stop usin nutes if u are, and go to molasses water to fatten those nugs - sorry, that one, giant, nug (and its company) - up

keep us posted

josh b

Well-Known Member
this is such a nice lil grow man,im currently doing a 12.12 from seeds hopfully sheel be ready to pot up tmoz =)

ill keep reading
yea im thinkin with the week or so shes got left, id give ya around 20 grams
-id say within the next couple days u should stop usin nutes if u are, and go to molasses water to fatten those nugs - sorry, that one, giant, nug (and its company) - up

keep us posted
haha ya ive switched to seeweed , using about half strength, seems to work good. ive wanted to try molasses ive heard so much good shit about it, but i dont know, can u use just the shit you buy at a grocery store, or do you need special shit, what ratio do you use.... haha kinda a noob question... and ya i was hoping for about 20g dryed. good to know that im not having delusions of grandure


looks like a gorgeous lady you got there congrats... im looking into growing about how much is electricity? im in teh states, humboldt county more along the lines, dont know how much the difference is cause i run 4 comps 24/7 at 125 a month, im only running the 2 extra comps to so i can shut them down cause there servers, and start some grow lights clf's how many did you start out with?
YO!! i was lookin at seeds on the attitude, and I FOUND YOUR PLANT
at least im pretty sure its the strain of your grow, looks exactly like it! so i guess now if u dont successfully re-veg it u can always just buy some 'CannaSutra'!

here's the link, u think its urs?
if thats not her its pretty fucking close, im gunna hafta say thats what she is... thanks man and good eye... i just might have to pick up some more seeds cuz shes been awsome to grow, very very easy
looks like a gorgeous lady you got there congrats... im looking into growing about how much is electricity? im in teh states, humboldt county more along the lines, dont know how much the difference is cause i run 4 comps 24/7 at 125 a month, im only running the 2 extra comps to so i can shut them down cause there servers, and start some grow lights clf's how many did you start out with?

whoa not too sure why that last post went up twice... whatever, but ya thanks for the compliments man, im not too sure how much your paying for electricity down there but I can give you an idea of how much mine went up, so i started from seed with just one 23 watt cfl, then when she was a week old I added 3 more 23 watters and ran them for 3 weeks , then for flower I added another one, so you really dont NEED as many right away(it is a good idea to have them right from the start but it wont make or break your grow), but ya i really didnt see much of an increase in my electricity bill, it went up a bit when i had 4 bulbs and i was in veg for 18 hours a day but when i turned to flower it went back down even with the extra bulb, i think i paid maybe 15 bucks more a month and its only been for 3 months so not really a big deal, cfls are pretty cheep to run. hope i answered your question.

happy growing!
my la wonder women and mango just came through the post =),hows the grow m8?
nice ive always liked mango flavor with my bud, and ive heard good things about la woman.... grows going good, getting very excited, kinda impatient too, but good things come to thoes that wait right