1st Grow Bagseed General Advice


Well-Known Member
ive never used tiger bloom, not sure if you can foilage feed with it or not. it doesnt look like much man, its prolly just some fert burn where you splashed it. i wouldnt sweat it unless it gets worse


Active Member
Another update on my girl I'm having some real problems with what I believe to be spider mites my leaves are curling and turning black like they are almost burnt off, I have other leaves that have spots and tiny holes appearing in them. I went and picked up some Azamax from the local hydro shop and they recommended it for all my bug problems so I have sprayed down my plant 2 days in a row now with it and things seem to be getting worse instead of better. Any and all help is appreciated thanks in advance. If you look at the 2nd 4th and 7th pic you can see the little spots I'm referring too on some of the smaller leaves around the buds the first pic and the 3rd show the burn problems I'm having with a couple of my bigger fan leaves.S5031345.jpgS5031347.jpgS5031346.jpgS5031346 (2).jpgS5031345 (2).jpgS5031344.jpgS5031348.jpg