1st grow, 6 plants, this ONE looks *very* different. What is it?


Active Member
I planted 9 "bagseed" seeds. Just random seeds I've collected. 3 plants died as I was learning the correct "formula" for it's environment.

6 plants survived. I kept them 24/0 Vegging for approx 3 weeks, and when I had a power outage (Well, forgot to pay the bill, lol) - And it left the plants with approx 10 hours of complete darkness, I took that as a sign that I should start 12/12. I noticed all the plants start growing a lot faster, and I've done zero "training" and I haven't "topped" any of them. They've been on 12/12 for a little over a week.

This one plant stands out. It was always the slowest to grow. She's my favorite though. I've taken some pictures... Is it possible to tell the sex yet? Those round things... are those signs of her really being a male? Or a tranny?

Any other comments/suggestions/opinions are very welcome. The other 5 plants, I believe it's way too early to 'sex' them. I don't really see any signs either way. Either way, I count myself as lucky for doing so well thus far. I realize that ideally I should transplant them to larger pots, but I'm experimenting and limiting them to party-cups.

Anyhow, here you go. First the overview pic, then some closer-up shots. All the pictures are of the ONE short plant. Click for the higher-resolution images.



Active Member
bro the two bottom pic are male plants they little round balls male grow faster them female
All of the pictures are from the same plant, the smallest plant. Sorry if I didn't make that clear.

It's the shortest plant, and the slowest growing of the six. Are we sure it's a male, not a hermie, and no chance a female?

jack the beanstalk

Active Member
Some of the best growing plants will be male. If you want to collect pollen, be freaking careful with those flowers. That chit gets EVERYWHERE!

I say kill it...fast.


Active Member
Are those hairs on him/it? Could it be hermie/trans?

See this pic: At the very top, I see balls. The one below, no balls.



Active Member
Screw it. Even if it is hermie I dont need seeds. Im looking to grow weed, not seeds. Hmm... I guess I'll just lock it in a dark closet and come back a week or more later and see what happened. :P


Active Member
Such a pity. I'll just light/water starve it to death, in a closet. Would haev never figured I'd have some sort of attachment and not wanting to kill it, but hey.


Well-Known Member
Hm, you can use it to pollinate a few branches of the female for a few extra seeds, but since you don't want too, starve it! or save the trimmings for hash later on even though it won't be much.


Active Member
I just locked him up in a tupperware bowl, in a closet. I'll come back in a week or longer, and... well, see how he looks. Wonder if there will be anything smokable lol. I know there's no buds, but hey...


Well-Known Member
Personally, i'd kill it, since the pollen gets everywhere, and you may transfer it to your girls if you keep it alive.

You could always keep a clone of it, which will give you the option to make seeds in future, if you have the available veg room space.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice. So far the other 5 plants show no signs of balls - thats a plus! I'll keep him locked up for a week or two, come back to it dead and dried out... And then clean the tupperware thuroughly.
im callin it a male. had two just like it and two which had white hairs growing. Tossed the two with "balls" and haven't regretted it yet.