1st Grow - 4 Strains outside on balcony!


Active Member
well the ladies got a nice feeding after I ripped off their precious bottom branches to make clones yesterday. It's only a day and a half, but they seem to be doing pretty good.

However, after looking at the babies that have been in the cloning dome a day and half, I really understand the concerns about the plants reverting to vegging... All the hairs on the buds of the clones went super dark. There's still a whole bunch of bright vibrant color on the buds of the girls outside, so y'know, but I'm still keeping my fingers crossed. It would be completely awesome to stumble into 2 harvest my first season of growing!!


Active Member
all 4 are still flowering.. they looked especially perky this morning after their first taste of Big Bloom yesterday!


Active Member
hey pablo did you flush your plant up on your balony or did you just feed it straight water for the last 3 or 4 weeks of flowering? I read I'm supposed to flush the 5 gallon pots with 15 gallons of water, but I can't exactly have that much water flowing off my balcony onto my downstairs neighbors balcony furniture, you know? do you (or anybody else) think that a few weeks of straight water at the end of flowering can effectively get rid of any nute junk? thanks!


Well-Known Member
I did flush, but I have the luxury of letting it drain right onto the ground below. Any chance you can bring them inside and flush over the toilet bowl (no pun intended) or in the bathtub/shower?

I don't know if simply just feeding with straight water and no nutes will get the job done. If you can't find an answer after searching for a bit maybe post a question up in the general forum, or perhaps the harvesting forum.

If you end up propping them over the toilet bowl, take some pics. Might be kinda funny to look at.


Active Member
oh the spare shower is actually a great idea, no one really uses that one. i could just use the water from the shower, right? i wouldn't have to keep carting gallons of water in there. i'd definately take pics of it, it'll be f'n funny.

i thought about bringing them outside, but the complex has security cameras in the hallways and whatever, so it's way easier to bring small plants in than big ass plants out LOL.

also, on a side note, I had someone worrying about the girls going back into veg b/c the days are getting longer and the pistils don't look right. Before I took pictures of the flowering, I did spray with greencure to get rid of some asshole PM. well, tonight I came across this awesome post that made me super happy!

"http://www.greencure.net - works like a charm! it'll burn some pistils but other than that...stops molds like nothing else I've tried. "

so the hope is ever strong within me LOL


Well-Known Member
Cool, the spare shower and the water should work fine. That sounds like a lot of friggin' work. Pouring 15 gallons through each pot. Better you than me. :) You'll need to spark one up for that ordeal. Good luck!


Active Member
this one should be fun to explain to the gf.. hey, honey... i gotta get some nutes outta the plants so they don't taste icky when smoked, so i'm gonna run a boatload of water through all 4 of them in the spare shower. LOL i guess i should scrub it down with bleach or something afterwards, yeah?


Active Member
Update on the girls... they're lookin great to me!

Any comments? Remember, it's my first grow!

Again, I have Barney's LSD, Jack Herer, Sour D, Lemon Lavendar Haze! The pictures are all labeled I guess I can't really order them!


G Project

Active Member
Hi balconyfun. you have a pretty ladies in there... I'm very interested in your LSD from Barney's Farm. I wanna get some of that but first I want some smoke and grow report. I will follow your grow journal and if you want some help say it, I'm a beginner but I will try help if you need.


Yep, I kinda had the same issue. Fortunately, I'm the only balcony in the complex. Kinda weird, but that means nobody above me or immediately adjacent to me. Just the ground floor below. If I do decide to grow another non-Auto, I will do what I can to train it to prevent it from getting too tall. I also grew huge tomato plants on my balcony which virtually blocked my plant from view. This year I know what I'm up against and will be more prepared. I think the lattice idea is an option for me too, and will check it out.

Couple of pics. My balcony has the iron railings which leave it pretty wide open. There's a bottle brush tree that grows on one side of my balcony which blocked the view of my plant from that side. But, I still placed a thin board there just to be safe. You can see the tomato plants on the other side, which grew large enough to almost completely block that side as well.
Love that setup


Active Member
bought the $13 microscope from Radio Shack today and checked out the trichs... they're getting cloudy with a slight number slowly turning parts amber... so excited for a chop, time to flush some... think i'm going to flush the 2 indicas this week and the 2 sativas next week...


Active Member
so i lied on flushing the 2 indicas... I flushed the Sour D today - only water and molasses from now on. I'm gonna give the other girls another week or 2... especially the LSD, might as well get couchlock on something called LSD hehe... stoked to chop soon!


Active Member
did a quick dry tester on the sour diesel.... BOZOWWWOOOOOW awesome awesome reading up on harvesting and hash / kief making :)


Well-Known Member
Heh, that's good news on the sour diesel test. You're gonna have plenty of good smoke this summer. By the way, how did the flushing process work out for you?


Active Member
flushing in the spare shower worked awesome... i bought a case of water bottles for the sour d (12 liters) , and was planning on doing the same for the other 3 ladies... BUT, I decided to do a test smoke with the LSD and was looking at the sugar leaves i trimmed off under the microscope when i found the dreaded SPIDER MITES and THRIPS wtf motherf'er noooOOOOOOOOOoooooo .... this was about 2 hours ago. I don't know if it's because I started watering with molasses that brought the bugs, or more probable is that I bought some regular plants at Home Depot and kept them maybe 10 - 15 feet away and I'm sure Home Depot plants are filled with things I don't want. Lesson learned.

So, anyway, now I'm just dragging the buckets in 1 by 1 and flushing the hell out of them with just regular shower water... I'm also (very carefully) giving the ladies a bath and using a high power stream to hit the underside of the fan leaves where the stupid fuckers are.

Also, through reading, I know understand why I need to clean these dirty clone bitches from the SoCal Dispensaries... cause clearly the genetics are here, but the quality control apparently wasn't. and yes, I know I could have easily brought the Powdery Mildew and bugs upon myself. Howerver, when I see multiple multiple multiple posts about the same dispensary I got mine from slamming them for these exact issues, I tend to think they are mostly to blame. I even remember the guy telling me he had to spray 2 of the ladies but since I'm growing outside "that won't matter to me"... taking advantage of the newb!!! lol

whatever, the smoke still looks pretty f'n good .... debating growing from seed next time or at the very least buying some ladies from another dispensary that i see good things about in Long Beach


Active Member
choppy choppy today was my beloved LSD's last day alive... HALLELUJAH LET'S CELEBRATE HER LIFE!!!!! :joint::joint::joint:
this was her yield, not a heckuva lot, but not shabby for my first plant, eh? I have no idea what the weight will be, i think maybe i'll pick up a scale just because I'm really curious. The plan is to dry these manicured buds for 3 or 4 or 5 days, and then put them in air tight jars in the closet for a few weeks and burping them appropriately. Hopefully I'll end up with a zone - doubtful tho! :confused:
I still have 3 more ladies - one I plan on chopping Friday, and then the other two on Monday maybe or the weekend.. It will be based on how much space I have to dry things. When it's stripped down, this LSD plant has maybe half the bud that the 2 big girls have. The Sour Diesel (minus its big cola RIP) will have about as much as this one has, maybe a little more.
Guess some pics turned out kinda crappy - sorry! But I'm enjoying scissor hash to much to care!

