@Sean: Pay it no mind. It's common practice for people to post pix of their grows in other grow threads where the plants are similar. It can be useful to have something else to compare to. Of course if it comes to dominate the thread that's not right but it's hardly the case here.
Auto genetics: From my own experience and from reading grow logs, Auto's seem to have stability problems. Perhaps it's partly because they are somewhat new compared to other strains but there is a real difficulty with stabilizing auto strains. Breeders stabilize their strains by a technique known as 'backcrossing' where offspring are repeatedly crossed with clones of the same mother plant. Since you cant clone autos this is not possible and makes the whole game much harder.
Yes, those curled up top leaves are a sign of distress and its almost certainly from the light. It's not a bad problem but it's not good. Again, I recommend spraying the leaves, covering her with a plastic bag and giving her 24 hours to recover in a place with a bit less light. Also, see if you can adjust the fan so that it blows more on the light bulbs themselves.
I am not convinced that fast autos are really low yielding. When you factor in the short time from seed to harvest and consider the yield per month, I think they do pretty good. But there are good reasons to consider photoperiods.
A much larger selection and while the autos may be really good smoke, the truly amazing strains are photos.
Much better stability.
The ability to keep cloning a plant. Cloning not only saves y ou money on seeds but the cycle from cutting to harvest is much faster than from seed to harvest.
The ability to control the size. With a photo, the size can be controlled by the veg period. If you want a very small plant, you can start 12/12 from seed. When seal's plants start to get big and bushy he is going to appreciate this option
Respect from other growers. Autos are still the bastard children of MJ strains. Their progenitor, LowRyder, was pretty crappy from what I hear and people still turn their noses up when they hear the word 'auto'. This will change IMO but as things stand you just dont get the same kudos as you do for growing photos.

I'ts a bullshit reason, I know but I believe it influences people in their choice.
I do believe autos have a big future and may even come to dominate. NOt having to mess with 12/12 and being able to pump almost twice the amount of light into the plant while flowering are strong advantages.