1st grow. 250w HPS

mr west

Well-Known Member
front nine was ok for a beginer, i did it in 57. It was really busy up there and we played 5 of back 9 and then came home, too many ppl and too much waiting lol

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
hey people just a quick update.

heres a birds eye view of the cupboard

the freaky bubilisious

this was it 4 days ago. realli impressed with the new growth

this is the dank dairy cheese. i found out where the diesel smell was coming from, it her. she/he is smelly in veg. might have to give her/him to mr west if i can afford a tent in time.

this is jack flash (pheno 1) this got the worst damage from the light an the growth is impressive. ill let u decide

jack flash (pheno 2)

ive had to use a lil bendy thing to keep them low as they where not damaged.

jack flash (pheno 3)

ive had to use a lil bendy thing to keep them low as they where not damaged.

these are the roots on the jack flash



mr west

Well-Known Member
just goes to show the power of coco and the sun not being on ya back lol, poor things have been to hell and back quite litraly lol nice work babe>>>>>>>>>>>>>:joint::mrgreen:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well i think we can safely rename your good lady the comeback kid westy! nice work princess! they barely look stunted at all now! smells like diesel eh?! oooo er.

mr west

Well-Known Member
hey people just a quick update.

heres a birds eye view of the cupboard

the freaky bubilisious

this was it 4 days ago. realli impressed with the new growth

this is the dank dairy cheese. i found out where the diesel smell was coming from, it her. she/he is smelly in veg. might have to give her/him to mr west if i can afford a tent in time.

this is jack flash (pheno 1) this got the worst damage from the light an the growth is impressive. ill let u decide

jack flash (pheno 2)

ive had to use a lil bendy thing to keep them low as they where not damaged.

jack flash (pheno 3)

ive had to use a lil bendy thing to keep them low as they where not damaged.

these are the roots on the jack flash

It took u long enough to post thease pics so i gotta bump em a few times lolkiss-ass


Well-Known Member
yeah, they look great. Have maybe even come back a little stronger after the shock. Awesome. Such a strong and vigorous plant, u just gotta love it! :peace:

Those roots look amazing too, great job. I bet you're glad you decided to grow in coco now! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Maybe this could be a new technique....like FIMing, to encourage new growth and branching. FISI......Fuck I squashed it!!!! LOL


Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
Looking good LGP, they have come back really good since the drama they had. Great work
cheers m8

well i think we can safely rename your good lady the comeback kid westy! nice work princess! they barely look stunted at all now! smells like diesel eh?! oooo er.
ye that cheese i hope dont start to smell worse. i dont like the smell of diesel.

yeah, they look great. Have maybe even come back a little stronger after the shock. Awesome. Such a strong and vigorous plant, u just gotta love it! :peace:

Those roots look amazing too, great job. I bet you're glad you decided to grow in coco now! :mrgreen:
ye i am glad i started in coco. they seem to love it

Maybe this could be a new technique....like FIMing, to encourage new growth and branching. FISI......Fuck I squashed it!!!! LOL

i wouldnt like to happen again. an i wouldny wish it on ma best friend lol

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
Maybe this could be a new technique....like FIMing, to encourage new growth and branching. FISI......Fuck I squashed it!!!! LOL

fisiof is more like it.

Fk I Set It On Fire.:eyesmoke:

Its amazing how much sht you can put these weeds through.:weed:

Good recovery lgp :clap:.

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
mr west was it ikerus who flew too close to the sun lol?

No I think it was lgp's plants that got too close to the sun or should we say the sun got too close to the plants

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
mr west was it ikerus who flew too close to the sun lol?

No I think it was lgp's plants that got too close to the sun or should we say the sun got too close to the plants

thats what my plants an icerus have in common they both survived being to close to the sun. that the 1st an last time that will happen.

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
well i planning to pot the 2 seeding on to the 5 lt water tuds then ill which to 12/12 hopefully begininng of nxt. the 2 fack flash clones are getting realli tall ive had to c hooks to bend them. an thinking how tall there gunna b when they go into flower in gunna need ta do it soon.

the cheese and the bud seedlings are growing well, only problem ive got now is if both of them are female im gunna ave a bit of a space issue. the cheese seedlings got a beautiful shape almost bush like at 8 inches. i hope its a girl. would b a lovly plant if she is.

an the bub seedling has bounced right bk from toppingitself then havin a lil light disaster. but thats look purtty. i would realli like to try bub again aint had it since last summer.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its all go in the princesses garden! i frequent a lot of grow journals and the same thing rings out across them, everyone's pushed for space hahahaha

mr west

Well-Known Member
thats closet cultivating for ya lol, we all trying to live beyond our means lol pushing the envolope so to speak lol.