1st grow, 1st plant, 11th week hybrid


Out of my three plants, this one looks the most done. They have been on 12/12 for 11 weeks exactly today. 8 weeks and 4 days since sex was found. The trichs are almost all cloudy with scattered ambers. slightly <10%. I'm thrown off because I still have few white pistils on top of main cola and few scattered around plant. will these turn amber as it dries/cures?



I've flushed three weeks ago and have given nothing but water since then. I greatly misjudged when they would be ready. Leaves have been falling off for a month now, most are gone. I pull off three withered leaves a day still. So 24 hours of dark in the next couple days? will more pistils turn brown and more trichs turn amber during this period and the drying/curing process?


Well-Known Member
I would stop pulling leaves and just leave the plant be as she matures fully. Flush her out with distilled pH-adjusted water and perhaps a bit of molasses