1st Grow 1st Journal


O.K. Its day 14 and I think I have an over active water pump!! My stonewool was soaked this morning when I checked the babies!! So I turn the water pump off to give them a break. At any rate I think the look bigger again this morning. Check the pics

Also if anybody is checking out this thread any ideas on the off colored looking veins shown on a couple of the leaves

Day 14 Dec. 5, 2009



Active Member
O.K. This is day 15 and my plants are getting bigger, but I'm also starting to get some yellowing see pics ... any advise will be appreciated

Day 15 Dec. 6, 2009:leaf:
The look good in the pics to me i wouldt worry about it I would suggest light proofing the rubbermaid more, maybee adding more expanded clay into your nets. Also check your water level to make sure that it is high enough for your roots because im assuming there not huge yet. Check out okie van tokes grow he has an ok set up going, same sort of deal/

First Time Growin

Active Member
If they are starting to go yellow, it could be a sign it's time to start feeding a tiny amount of nutes. Although you should try what the guy above suggested first...


So 5 days have past since my last post ... check out the babies ... they have got big ... anyway ... going on 3 weeks of grow ... when should I start seeing sex?

Check out the pics

Day 20 Dec. 11, 2009:leaf:



So it's the 22nd day and I had to construct a new light fixture ... the plants have got so big the were getting to close to the lights ... so what I have now is an adjustable CFL Light hood that I constructed out of a cardboard box ... at any rate i think it will do for now until I can think of or afford something better.
so the pics are below ... oh yeah I had to put duct tape around my rubbermaid tote cause the lid won't stay on ... must have too much water in it??
Hope I get some girls out of these

Day 22 Dec. 13, 2009:leaf:



Plants are getting bigger, I tried to take some close up shots ... not sure if it's to early to tell the sex... check them out

Day 26 Dec. 17, 2009:leaf:



when are you going to start 12/12? mine is at day 25. so our babes are a day apart.

Hey Jadeshecky ... I was going to wait until about day 32 ... so I can have over a month of veg ... but I'm doing more research to make sure the time is right ... also I'm not sure how long they should veg? is 30 days good? 40 days? they seem plenty big enough. Also can I go 12/12 to get the sex ... then go back to 18/6? Stuff like that is what I'm researching now



So it's day 30 not much has changed ... but the plants has got bigger ... I wasn't able to get new pics before the lights went off ... anyway ... I have decided to wait a few more weeks to see if they go into pre-flower so I can tell the sex ... This will give me time to set up my next room ...
so the plan is make a few mother plants out of the plant's I have going now and just continuously take clones from them ... so I'll be making a flowering room, also I will be redesigning the veg room I have now ... the plan is to frame out the walls and put up some dry wall ...

Day 30 Dec. 21, 2009:leaf: