1st Grow - 15 days into Flowering

Drake S

Howdy - I've been browsing this forum for the past month or so, came across it when doing research. It has definitely helped the learning curve, but still making mistakes along the way, heh.

Started out germinating some seeds in the beginning of Dec. Ended up having 4 nice plants at the end of the veg stage.


Started the flowering on 1-12. Came to a decision on the sex of the plants five days into the grow, and thought I had two males and two females. Couple of days later, I was getting paranoid that one of the remaining two was a herm and pulled it. I didn't quite cry curing this process, but it was close.


So now I have one female growing and will baby her. For better or worse, it was the least "bushy" plant out of the bunch. However, it sure seems healthy and the budding has skyrocketed the last few days.



Thank you to all the members who have posted great information to help this noob out. :clap:

