1st Gro! Closet Bubbleponic CFL/HPS - Blue Mystic


Active Member
great grow man. I just got some mystic seeds today and i'm pumped. I'm using soil and cfl's (i'm poor) but i'm gonna try to use your grow as a guide as much as possible.


Elite Rolling Society
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He grows in the sea.

He grows with tiny bubbles,
just like you and me!

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We are The BubbleHeads!

If you want to learn from the greats, Major Tom,
PurpDaddy, Mostly Crazy, Bongtok4u,, db297, JonnyBtreed, Southern Grower, HomeGrown Hairy, ACGrower, MajPat, tSunami13, Paranoid420, LongHornFan, SmokeNchoke, hubebaba, peterman990, xpac7007, Dystopia, sophanox, polishfalcon420,fatflathead,

RPSmoker420, chnk915, and hundreds of other skilled bubbleponic growers, then learn from THE BUBLEHEADS.

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We're not Dirt Bags!
We are The BubbleHeads!!!!!


We are NOT DirtBags!!! We can grow in water!

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Send or post this invitation to anyone you like and be sure that they know DWC and Bubbleponics and are willing to help newbies.

May the Bubble Force be with us all.
God Bless our Chief BubbleHead, Mostly Crazy!

The BubbleHeads are dedicated to helping others learn to grow in water, simple, fast and easy.

Helpful links:

BubbleHead Logo Post # 10672

CFL Tutorial -

What is Bubbleponics Post # 9835

8 Step Recovery Post # 9838

Start Nutes - Drain and Replinish # 10395

10 Days, 12 days, 15 days, 20 days Post # 9

Temps, Humidity Post # 8491


Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponic

Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics-DWC Tutorial
BUBBLEHEADS know how to grow!


Day 34 Flowering:
Day 84 Total:

Refreshed the system with water and nutes. I like the speed at which the buds are filling out and how many there are. I stood on a chair over it (which is a difficult task considering) and finally got a nice look at all the tops. I counted 20 of them which are in the 3x3 area having bright white tops, all dusted and gooey. a few tops outside this area are a bit shorter with lesser developed tops. Its hard to get discernable shots from the sides to see the colas with this old cell phone camera. I'm going to borrow an expensive camera soon to use up until the end.



Elite Rolling Society
The 2nd and 3rd grow goes even better, much better.

I am on my 8th grow, and still learning new things.

How long have they been in 12/12??


The 2nd and 3rd grow goes even better, much better.

I am on my 8th grow, and still learning new things.

How long have they been in 12/12??
Theyre 42 days into 12/12, but i saw pre flowers about a week before that. Next, i'll do a 4x4 grow tent for the 600w with four 5gallon buckets.

I'm thinking in about 2 weeks to start flushing daily with ph corrected water for about 10 days and keeping it in darkness for the last 72 hours.


Here's some pics from last night when the lights went out (its easier to get pics then with my bad camera phone). This would be day 47 of flowering.

Im using a telescope viewer backwards to see the trichomes, which isnt the best way i know, but i can still see them better than the naked eye. Most of the trichomes are solid white or clear from what i can tell... i can't, for the life of me, find a browing trichome, though a lot of hairs are orange now.

I'll do another week of nutes starting today, then hopefully i see some brown trichomes and will start flushing for a week or so.

should have a 400 dollar camera in my possession saturday for as long as i need it.

another note: ive been having trouble keeping the ph up in this late flowering stage. It drinks a few gallons, then the water ph is too low, so ive tried topping with ph corrected water and it goes right back down. ive tried emptying the tank, adding tap water and using ph up on the whole tank and it still goes down. And from what i understand, a higher ph is preferable in this stage. The ph keeps dropping to about 5-5.5 and i can't control it. why now?



Elite Rolling Society
There has to be dead decaying matter somewhere like a dead leaf or something or some debris clung to the airstones or somewhere.


Forgot to post that on the 25th i refreshed the tank with new water and nutes.

Dec 2nd they'll probably be ready to flush for a week. They look so incredibly good.. big fat nugs that are so dense and sticky. i just gently run my finger over one and my fingers stick together and smell amazing. The majority of the hairs are red now and trichomes cover the nugs in a spectacular way. It looks like all of the trichomes are milky now.

Things i need:
safety pins to hang the stems for drying.
mason jars http://www.amazon.com/Ball-61162-half-pint-mouth-mason/dp/B000V5KVDU/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top
-- not sure if these are the perfect jars.. a little pricey at about a buck and a quarter a piece. shipping will suck too. I need jars to fit quarters in for some gifts. From what i read, smaller jars are better for curing anyway.
need the 3 bag bubble bucket for hash.
3 hash jars for the 3 types of hash the bucket will create (baby food jars or something)
2 pair of good scissors (get at grocery store probably)
i need a small, kickass nug jar to carry around with me for daily usage.

on another note: i got this thing called a solopipe. it is the most brilliant invention ever (lighter and bowl in one, cell phone sized, unit). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ds0ni9NUFAQ


Day 55 Flowering:
Day 105 Total:

Today i'll start flushing for 7 - 10 days. Trichomes are all cloudy from what i can tell. Im just going to assume that on day 65, the browing will have started and i can cut them down. I just don't have any more nutrients to give them anyway.


ordered a 4 bag bubble bag, 60-100x microscope (maybe too late), 4 half pint jars, and 12 quarter gallon jars. Not saying i'll use all those jars but theyre cheap. Not sure how i'll store the hash.. probably in these 2x2 ziplock gram bags i have. It'll go quick im sure though.


This is my third day flushing and the leaves are turning a purplish color near the tops. Here's some pix i took today. Lookin tasty if you ask me.



Active Member
those girls look awesome. i'm growing mystic too and i hope mine turn out even half as good as yours. plus rep


those girls look awesome. i'm growing mystic too and i hope mine turn out even half as good as yours. plus rep
Thanks a lot man. Im sure yours should be... i messed up a lot of things in the beginning and they still turned out ok. I think you'll love the smell of these.

Day 59 Flower:
Day 109 Total:
I'll start 72 hours of darkness at 6pm today.


Day 60 Flower:
Day 110 Total:

refreshed tank with only tap water this time. wednesday im takin it down.