1st grew week 4 flowering (pictures)


Well-Known Member
here are a few pics my plants on week 4 of flowering....

they have taken a while to start to bud but on there way now as you can see from the pics

was told to put into flowering at 1 foot and have a possible growth f about 2-3 feet so i put them into flowering at 1 foot now there over 4 foot and still growing little scarry as im now aproching my max hight can go to about 5 foot...

should slow down now i hope....

they look healthy to me but lets hear your views

there in hydro hand built bubble setup ph 5.5 feeded daily on rapid flower a and b and i add molesses daily aswell a few tea spoons

lets hear your opinions good or bad

12/12 using 600w hps
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Well-Known Member
I like it, big plant... Bubblers can cause impressive growth.

I would say they are a bit stretched, how far away is your light from the plant canopy?

for the 600 I would keep it about 1.5-2 feet away.

yeild, too many factors, but to be honest not to much bud production yet for 4 weeks into flowering, you may have to go alot longer than 8 or 9 weeks.

might take you to 12 weeks.

good luck


Well-Known Member
lamp only 1 foot away always so dont think they srtetched i know slow budding just means longer wait till harvest


Well-Known Member
What strain is it? or what veg light did you use. Stretching is caused by lack of blue light or MH light of any light in the 5000+ kelvin range of light. the nodes look really spread out.

I think it was a combination of using the HPS for veggin and your strain.


Well-Known Member
either way shes a pretty n tall lady...

Should get you alot of yeild.

for a bigger yeild you could slowly tie her down to one side, little by little each day.

It would help to even out your canopy.

Or you could leave her and remove the very lowest branches.


Well-Known Member
cheers pal as for removing the bottom branches the at 10mm thick and come half way up the plant with lots of bud on them so unsure off cutting them off think ill try tie them down

how would you advise to do that cheers


Well-Known Member
True but even a 600 watt light only has 1.5-2.5 feet of true light penetration at it most intensity.

meaning that past that point on the plant going down, the bud site will yeild very little because they are getting very little sun.