1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
hmmm i dunno its on the clothes horse nearly ready for jarring ish. another day or so probably, i never expected much from her, she was the mother to the clone run so i pruned her best bits off, in hindsight i wished i did it to the one i flowered, there was loads of fluff. probs between 2-3 on this one. shes in a tiny pot too i trimmed the disc size down on the airpot to see if it would fit in the autopot and it didnt its only about 2.5-3 litre

i couldnt care realluy its some demon weed, all i kept from the last run
i'm surprised at the airpots not fitting in the autopots, mine did :( gonna did them little beuts out i think. u got any pics of the auto pot? must be different to the ones i have?

i read properly over on the 6 that the lanky bitch is a livers (says it one here 2) i bet that was stinking ur house out lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nah not too bad man ive got the funk under control now man, when i dry i pop the uvonair on in the room for 15 on 15 off n you cant smell a thing. ll take a snap later for ya square based ones i have


Well-Known Member
fuck me mate this weather man dude, r u feelinit up there mate. jesus, it's cut of my weed supply.

I fucking hate living in country in the winter.

That hash u made m8, u got pics?wouldnt mind seeing em.

all the best bud,



Well-Known Member
Been checking out what to do with my trim. The bubble method looks like the one but looks like you need ALOT of trim to make it worth while. Got me one of they presses, so will wait and see what ive got to deal with and then decide! Just Looking at what people are getting back on trim that I used to throw! No this time!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
fuck me mate this weather man dude, r u feelinit up there mate. jesus, it's cut of my weed supply.
I fucking hate living in country in the winter.
That hash u made m8, u got pics?wouldnt mind seeing em.
all the best bud,
aye i was expecting it to be bad again this year, it will be again foir sure. toons bitter. hash...
Sorry Man! Me heads been in a bubble! Just sent u a mess. back on that. Ur the man Don!
nee worry lad
Been checking out what to do with my trim. The bubble method looks like the one but looks like you need ALOT of trim to make it worth while. Got me one of they presses, so will wait and see what ive got to deal with and then decide! Just Looking at what people are getting back on trim that I used to throw! No this time!

if youve never tried it you should have a go at the butane oil. you can do it with a pop bottle. a 1 gallon set of bubble bag knock offs on ebay will probs do you if your not wanting to lash out loads but still have a crack

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sup HC bro, its really handy for drying, keeps the funk down, but it is not without its risks, if youve got anyone with asthma in the house, it can be really bad for them. it needs to be on a timer as if it builds up could kill you. but in general used properly they are magic. are you thinking of running it inline to your vent out If so you need a certain amount of duct to allow the thing to fully change the particles in the air.

id look at a bigger can filter before lashign out on one tho, thay aint cheap

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
morning bro, i aint going in today they want me to go kent but its supposed 2 bad there today and i've heard of 2 people that it was messy there yesterday. how fars ur work from ur house?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye man unless you have to i wouldnt go more than you need. my work is only a half hour bus journey but they keep pulling them out of service. i can get to work its just a pain in the arse and freezing so im not bothering. i can work from home just as well. lmao well its names work but thats not what id call it...


Well-Known Member
Morning Don, saw on the weather that Newcastle was getting it the tightest...well the East coast anyway. Not stopped snoying here all morning....looks like I'll need to dig out the snowman we built.

I was just thinking, I bet Don's happy he has a glazier on his roof, gives a nice protection seal for what you got going on...then you posted you noticed a patch without snow...DOH!! I take it its not a biggy though!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
easy bru! nah its not really a patch without as the vent is going out of the side of the house from an airbrick its just the slightly less snow covered bit with a freakin dead frozen pidgeon in it to contend with now...

aye toons had it bad but i heard its going to give over on friday.... remains to be seen lmao. the binmen aint been in a week cant get down the estate streets mind you half the folk cant get their cars out either. its bliss when you dont hve to go out in it tho haha

right works done time for some xbox


Well-Known Member
Your a Jammu fucker don. Wish I could work from home on a day like this.... Can't empty bins from my livingroom mind hahaha. I'll empty my inbox now mate

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
sup HC bro, its really handy for drying, keeps the funk down, but it is not without its risks, if youve got anyone with asthma in the house, it can be really bad for them. it needs to be on a timer as if it builds up could kill you. but in general used properly they are magic. are you thinking of running it inline to your vent out If so you need a certain amount of duct to allow the thing to fully change the particles in the air.

id look at a bigger can filter before lashign out on one tho, thay aint cheap
I would be using it in the house in general, more like just to get rid of the stank in the house before company comes over n sheet like that. I vent out the fireplace chimney so dont have to worry bout that to much.

I priced em last night, if they worked good they would be well worth the money. And it not just the grow op, It's the pets and all the dope smoke smell lol

Hell of a wind storm here all day yesterday, fair amount of damage. Catch ya!


Well-Known Member
Your a Jammu fucker don. Wish I could work from home on a day like this.... Can't empty bins from my livingroom mind hahaha. I'll empty my inbox now mate
You a binman Willy? I got my car stuck yesterday on my way in and had to dig it out 3 times to get it back home ffs i walked in this morning just to be sent home, total waste of time but at least i get paid for turning up. I don't wanna go in tomoz coz i wanna stay up and watch the cricket lol
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