1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
300 a oz haha as much as i wanna try it i think id wait to grow it out myself. but peeps do pay that sort prices if its top a star shit.
think wen i do grow out the dogsi will keep them 100 per cent for myself to smoke and fuck the rest the world hahahaha


Well-Known Member
Well it goes for 250 an OZ in the Dam (if you know the guy in the coffeeshop EDIT: Actually, even if you know the guy in the coffeeshop, he ain't selling you an OZ, lol, unless you are a top selling Rapper!)

I don't sell but growers get around 6 euro per gram for top shelf. ;)

MDB and Supersillybilly, were you aware that BReal from Cypress Hill smoked THE DOG when in the Dam last time!!!! Can't get much of a better advertiser than that.

mad dog bark

Well-Known Member
hmmm doggy goodness haha. oh the joys off future grows eh.
billy i dare u to lock self away with all the dog bud u yeild and smoke the lot off it haha now that wood b a site to see.


Well-Known Member
Am gonna have to sneak some DOG oil into one of Billy's drinks when's he's over in the Dam if he ain't gonna get on it! lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yup it's been a long time coming the grow was in shit shape round at his neighbours, but he was doing things by proxy, long story short. the hippies near killed this primo little number.

taking snips the morrow. can't wait to get this feisty bitch in my mits.

it's deffo going into the breeding program. got some reggies coming of some interesting fruity colourful numbers i'm hoping for nice studs from.

went for soma's somango & amethyst bud and TGA's ace of spades.

they'll probably get a spluff of a couple of other bits of pollen i've got tucked away too


Well-Known Member
BMF x Smelly Cherry
I'll put some Pics of that BR X Sensi Star cross in me J.
Any of the Sour Cherry Sell on 4/20???


This structure of this Plant is the perfect blend of Both Strains. BMF kinda straighten up Smelly Cherry and Smelly Cherry Gave BMF a lot more Flavor and puple.

I'll get a bit more for this than normal.


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
sup buddy, yeah we sold a couple of packs on 420! looks like you hit the nail on the head blend wise there man!

i'm a bit gutted. looks like the 2 SLH are herming. one bad the other not so much, looks like one got a bit of crossfire pollen from the smelly cherry seed run spluffing, i.e. it has proper developing seeds in and a few naners the other just the few naners. i thought the strain was solid but hey ho how shit goes eh.

i love breeding but i love sensi more. really can't wait to get these dogs going and the new 2 toke. get my perpetual tight.

spoke to my boss today n he said i can have a metal shelving unit like i posted a page or two back free gratis!

bong time.
Glad u can get the metal shelving for free.. Now u can house mothers and seedlings;)... Sucks about the hermies man I hate it.. 1 reason why I don't like buying fem seeds.. I know regs can hermie as well but from my exp mostly all fem were the culprits.. Only 1 hermie reg which was sour og.. But since then regs been treating me good..

Hope all is good in the garden don man