1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
as long as theres at least i few females that is... dont wanna watch a sausage fest sexing party.... Noooo thank you!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Scary as it sounds I'm praying for a couple of good looking blokes :lol:

Not seen any of them get a stretch on which usually indicates a male. Just got to take the chance, the node spacing looks good on all, after the initial stretching.

It would be just my luck to get 16 females...


Well-Known Member
Scary as it sounds I'm praying for a couple of good looking blokes :lol:

Not seen any of them get a stretch on which usually indicates a male. Just got to take the chance, the node spacing looks good on all, after the initial stretching.

It would be just my luck to get 16 females...
i knoww. lol. weneva u dont want all females..t aht wat ya end up with.. i gave the last of my floja seeds to HC hopin u could keep the strain alive.. 8 out of 10 germed.. and 7 actually made it out of the soil... and wat do ya kno.. 7/7 with females........ damn! lol.


Well-Known Member
Howdy Partner, hope all good at the ranch!

I'm just going to do my round's and a bit catch-up, hope to catch you later for a crack mate!


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Ranch is about the only thing going well of late. Having a hard time just cracking a smile.

Think I was chemical Ali prior to Hitler in a former life.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
bit of a teething prob. it was way too hot so i took it apart again. bought a bigger silent TD fan, just waiting on it arriving then it'll go back together hopefully the temp will be fine with the increased airflow.

i'd put the postcode in one digit incorrect so the bank told norfolk lights to hold the transaction. i phoned the card issuer to check the address they had on file. they asked if the payment was for £431, turns out someone is fraudulently using the card. best part if that they wont stop the transaction going through I have to wait for them to rob me before i can start the fraud process with them. how fucking backward is that.


Well-Known Member
I guess it depends on the credit card company. but my card was cloned and used to the tune of about 5k. They bought a load of long haul flights. I only realised when I went to use my current account and even my overdraft was overdrawn. I got in touch with AMEX and they refunded me the cash immediately. I just had to sign a form saying that those transactions where not mine, and that was it. It should work out lad.


Well-Known Member
And just to make you feel better, the rental company I got my car from have charged me 8500 rand (about 850 euro) as a deposit. They said they refunded it, but that can take 8 days...ffs!!! So I have to pay the bill and wait for the refund now....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye i'm sure i'll get it back, just a pain in the arse eh. one of those weeks. think i'll make a batch of cannamilk up tonight. and probably the rest of the week lol


Well-Known Member
aye i'm sure i'll get it back, just a pain in the arse eh. one of those weeks. think i'll make a batch of cannamilk up tonight. and probably the rest of the week lol
Cannamilk????? Me never heard of that, sounds rank. lol I pay £40 a year( less than a pint a week. lol) for some sort of identity theft insurance and they pay out straight away if you get frauded. Its worth it

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
normally i dont worry cos i've usually got fuck all in the account. cannamilk is lush mate.

pint of full fat blue top per person,
spoonfulfull of honey
a grinder full of dope
let it simmer for about 20-25 mins NEVER boil
strain the ground up weed out

if you like horlicks it'll taste much like it but weedy if not stick a bit of flavouring in. them crusha milkshake syrups work a treat.


Well-Known Member
normally i dont worry cos i've usually got fuck all in the account. cannamilk is lush mate.

pint of full fat blue top per person,
spoonfulfull of honey
a grinder full of dope
let it simmer for about 20-25 mins NEVER boil
strain the ground up weed out

if you like horlicks it'll taste much like it but weedy if not stick a bit of flavouring in. them crusha milkshake syrups work a treat.
fuck....3 puffs of a j and Im wrecked, never mind ingesting the shit. The Mrs likes that Horlicks....now I wonder


Well-Known Member
cannaMILK!!?? never heard of that either..... cannaBUTTER ive heard of and made... but never made/heard of canna milk. lmao do ya just str8 up drink the milk? or use it in cooking.? mmmmm cannamilk and oreos... or a milkshake. yummy!!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Aye, I deffo fear that kinda stone. A 1g piece of zero zero arrived via silk road. I has some coins left over and though fuck it. Haven't seen it yet but its arrived at work. lol
hahah aye get the dose wrong and your in for a scary ride. and there's nee getting off that waltzer trust me. 00 hash eh. sweet haven't seen it in time man.

cannaMILK!!?? never heard of that either..... cannaBUTTER ive heard of and made... but never made/heard of canna milk. lmao do ya just str8 up drink the milk? or use it in cooking.? mmmmm cannamilk and oreos... or a milkshake. yummy!!
yup just drink it. you can add ice cream if you want once it's cooled makes like a malted milk shake. if your brave enough you can make it really strong and re chill. then just make your coffee with it etc. whatever really, it's milk.

it's a quiick version of the indian classic bhang. or bhang lasse. I've got the original recipe but it calls for allsorts of shite like rosewater and indian spices. those bits are just for flavouring, the important bit is fat in the liquid binds the thc to it. so no skimmed milk ;)