Well-Known Member
eeeee, if i remember correctly don you were the one tellin me i should get summat small up an running, haha, take your own advice bro.aye moving ASAP though i think it'll be after xmasit's getting more and more tempting to do a small time stealth grow but i'd have to get a new fan and filter small enough to fit into my wardrobe haha. and my lass would go spare seeing as we've got her family over for xmas dinner
i need a shed or something
watch yourself on them benzo's with the mandy n drink man. too much and your likely to have respiratory failure. swap the mandy for coke n your all good though your heart rate just about cancels out the benzo'si shouldnt be giving you advice like that....
I never drink when im on md, and i try n space it out a lot so serotonin levels can get back up, its pointless doin it if your brain cant produce any lol. the benzos are only to help me sleep the next day, wouldnt do them otherwise. sambos given me plenty of warnings bout them benzos haha, speakin from experience.