1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
It's another Island......j/k.

I always get mixed up with Jersey and Guernsey, one of them has quite a French influence, or do both of them have a French influence. I think Guernsey was also invaded in the war by ze Krauts.

Isle of Guernsey, found out last night this is where my family is from. Anything my friends from the UK could tell me bout this spot?


Well-Known Member
You guys are awesome... LOL..
I would appreciate you all addressing me as Sir Hemlock. I am royalty so it would seem that you all are my subjects..LOL.. No need to to kneel ...LOL..
Have a good one everybody!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Weed is hella expensive there. I've a few people i know who keep trying to convince me to take over a couple of 9 bars and double my money overnight.

And yeah, tax haven, while you pay more for shipping of goods, you get to claim all of your VAT back from the government each year :) Bet there are a whole bunch of people who cook their books and claim back far more tax than they're really due :D Let's all move there and bankrupt the treasury :lol:


Well-Known Member
I think the treasury is probably already fooked.

And the tax havens are now not so haven-ish because the govt are now getting access to the info as far as I am aware. It's like anything though, as soon as you bring the cash back into the UK, you get taxed on it. Cyprus is the shit, and BritishVirginIsles are even better.....ooops, did I say that.

Weed is hella expensive there. I've a few people i know who keep trying to convince me to take over a couple of 9 bars and double my money overnight.

And yeah, tax haven, while you pay more for shipping of goods, you get to claim all of your VAT back from the government each year :) Bet there are a whole bunch of people who cook their books and claim back far more tax than they're really due :D Let's all move there and bankrupt the treasury :lol:


Well-Known Member
I think the treasury is probably already fooked.

And the tax havens are now not so haven-ish because the govt are now getting access to the info as far as I am aware. It's like anything though, as soon as you bring the cash back into the UK, you get taxed on it. Cyprus is the shit, and BritishVirginIsles are even better.....ooops, did I say that.
British virgin isles haha that name is very misleading innit?

mr west

Well-Known Member
i got an 8th off my mate yesterday that he owed me and it happens to be psychokilla lp so here are >>>>>>>>:joint: I love it wen clones ive given out come back to me in bud form lmao


Well-Known Member
Good old Paul Daniels clones...clones go out, 1/8ths come back, it's magic - but not a lot, lol.


Well-Known Member
I was at a party with Mr Paul Daniels. It was at Craig Tara holiday park in Ayr. aka Butlins. Me and a few m8's went for the weekend a few years back for a giggle and he was doing a show there. The wee man liked a good bevy but nothing else. He was minus his wife, which was a shame coz I would have loved to have a shot at chatting her up. lol