1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
getting it in gear now!

purp cc x l, this thing just wont go a normal dark green lol

dogs in the dark for dr amb

from left
to right

howdy ho willy! just having spicy wings for lunch. weighing up buying some underground original beans. not the blues but the oldtimes. lot of dollar though. anyone want halfers on a pack shout me!

Lookin shit hot don mate, them dogs look the dogs bro lol!!!........................i like the sound of them seeds mate would work well in my setup, loads of hight, would have defo thought about it mate but i think the fairys comin to see me ;)

Was it you mate that was growin the cheese berry haze???

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Alreet fella! It depends on the strain usually but with my scrog I super crop and lollipop. Tho the livers and psycho need no more bushing out!


Well-Known Member
Cheers fella yeah they're doing ok am worried bout the temps a bit, thinking of going to night growing but I fear the pork chopper in my area.

I have some cheeseberry haze in the fridge, not popped any yet got too much on as is.

Thought bout what? Lost me bro.
About puttin 2 for them seeds bro, sounds sweet lol

Are the cbh fem seeds mate??


Well-Known Member
Wires crossed lol
Ive deleted that 1st reply mate sorry,
What i ment was i would have put 2 cos i was after some seeds for my next run, but the fairys comin so no need, but id be up for it in the future bro!
Sorry mantz looks like ypu posted that for the laugh now lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
nope i've just turned it off. the other 6 will give them more than enough to survive while the others catch up they are a couple of weeks behind the DOGs

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
im always trying to cut down :lol:

seconds out round/day 3. just looking at the beak is making me feel peaky. just had a txt off my missus she thought i was dead this morning she couldn't wake me at all. bacon butty n a line and im ready to go fishing. were due thunder n lightening this arvo¬! Joy.

have a good weekend peeps!


Well-Known Member
Yeeeeee Haaaaaa !!!!

Howdy doody mate! Fuck, its going to be good to be back talking nonsense with all the fruitcake's on the old R.U.I again. Since becoming a M.J Guru lol, i cant seem to comunicate with guy's when it comes to growing or " this is this, that's done like that ". I just keep schtoom as nod. 'Amature's lol' j/king.
But for sure going to be good when i finally get settled, and giong to have a bunch of extra space :) :) :)

I'm choking to get a bit crack wi you man, i'll catch you later hopefully man! ( that'll be a talk, not narcotic's )


Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
im always trying to cut down :lol:

seconds out round/day 3. just looking at the beak is making me feel peaky. just had a txt off my missus she thought i was dead this morning she couldn't wake me at all. bacon butty n a line and im ready to go fishing. were due thunder n lightening this arvo¬! Joy.

have a good weekend peeps!
Haha love it! You too bro : !)


Well-Known Member
Alreet fella! It depends on the strain usually but with my scrog I super crop and lollipop. Tho the livers and psycho need no more bushing out!
I hear ya on the Liver's man! I saw a crazy one the other day! My mate i help out and vice /versa is pure old school to the point he does'nt even have a Fan! Just straight-up 600 HPS for everything. Stick's plant's in pot's of soil and let's the go! So with the Liver's being so Viney and groes wherever it wants. And Need's supported from all angles, This thing was being held up from what you could call the main cola, and the rest was thin weak branches that were just lying over eachother and the bottom ones were hanging over the pot all round and on the floor like a Proper vine. It was acctually funny to see and have him say ' How's it done that ? ' HaHa.

My Cherry Cheese x Liver's is going for it now man! Got the middle shoot's firing out early on and has a strong smell to it for a small seedling. Hope this one's Female, looks like it could be a belter lol.
You'r garden's looking fine bro ;) I just checked out thoes beans on the link. The oldtimes looks and sound's like an interesting run. I'll half you Na'Probs man! Give me a shout mate.