1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
I just been and got some bloombastic and was wondering is it supposed to look like watered down baby shit!?!? Smells like arse aswell

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Hahaha lmao yeah, that's exactly what I said. Looks like swamp water. It's blocked my measuring syringe a couple of times.

Been baking some cracking edibles tonight 2 types of brownie and had my stake just past blue fried in cannabutter. Seriously tasty...


Well-Known Member
How you doing mate! Some day i've had with those B.L 'douche bags' eh man! Just been telling Las the short version, going to put a thread up and tell all man, that's some bunch of Knob's!
Anyway, on the good front. Just noticed a puppy trying to break soil a wee bit pre-maturely so covered her back up and hopefully a Doggie next day or two :)

Catch up with you soon bro!

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Shit bro I was going to come over and help you indulge,,,forgot man haha!!

Picked up some chinese take out on the way home from the doc's and then crashed for a bit afterwards. So at my physical the dr listens to my lungs and says...well they sound good, I looked at him and said, that's good considering the amount of cannabis i smoke lol


Well-Known Member
Shit bro I was going to come over and help you indulge,,,forgot man haha!!

Picked up some chinese take out on the way home from the doc's and then crashed for a bit afterwards. So at my physical the dr listens to my lungs and says...well they sound good, I looked at him and said, that's good considering the amount of cannabis i smoke lol
Nice HC,,,NIce..LOL..did he looked suprised?

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
It took him by suprise just a tad lol. That's not something that you readily admit in this state, and for being so liberal this state is like 20 yrs behind the times! He was fine though and we discussed weed and lungs a bit. If you took off the white doc coat off of him and put a tye dyed on this guy you would swear he was a hippie haha


Well-Known Member
Alright Fella, up early again! Going to try n get back on blower to these wank's at B.L. But apart from that, got some good thing's to look forward to today :)

Nice one with the quqck H.C lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
How you doing mate! Some day i've had with those B.L 'douche bags' eh man! Just been telling Las the short version, going to put a thread up and tell all man, that's some bunch of Knob's!Anyway, on the good front. Just noticed a puppy trying to break soil a wee bit pre-maturely so covered her back up and hopefully a Doggie next day or two :)
Catch up with you soon bro!
bloody disgrace what theyve done and to try n turn it round on you is even worse man. bunch of arseholes. im officially no longer using/recommending them.
Shit bro I was going to come over and help you indulge,,,forgot man haha!!
Picked up some chinese take out on the way home from the doc's and then crashed for a bit afterwards. So at my physical the dr listens to my lungs and says...well they sound good, I looked at him and said, that's good considering the amount of cannabis i smoke lol
man you shoulda said lol not that id have noticed really haha. kool the doc says your chimneys in tip top condition man!
It took him by suprise just a tad lol. That's not something that you readily admit in this state, and for being so liberal this state is like 20 yrs behind the times! He was fine though and we discussed weed and lungs a bit. If you took off the white doc coat off of him and put a tye dyed on this guy you would swear he was a hippie haha
looked the tyedye type eh hahah classic

Alright Fella, up early again! Going to try n get back on blower to these wank's at B.L. But apart from that, got some good thing's to look forward to today :)
Nice one with the quqck H.C lol
give em hell jambo.

im in a bad way today. went on the stand n tan for me psoriasis n fried me arse, im a fucking lobster, hurts like hell. even through the brownies :( honestly ive had one of those weeks

spluffed the psycho killer onto the psycho killer and the psychosis again, someone help me out here, does that make them a back cross?

have a good weekend all im off to rub aloe vera on me sweet spots

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
its not painful just doesnt look too bonnie, not that im vain really, ive been gettin loads of jip of me mates for going on the tanning beds in the first place... now im a lobster the grief is endless lmao nowt to do but accept ive been a divvy and laugh.

kool on the BX should be a winner, the psycho is my #1 of all time tho since ive chopped my livers down im thinking its hsaring the top spot...


Well-Known Member
its not painful just doesnt look too bonnie, not that im vain really, ive been gettin loads of jip of me mates for going on the tanning beds in the first place... now im a lobster the grief is endless lmao nowt to do but accept ive been a divvy and laugh.

kool on the BX should be a winner, the psycho is my #1 of all time tho since ive chopped my livers down im thinking its hsaring the top spot...
LOL Don...It not painful, just doesn't look Bonnie(?) WTH is Bonnie...
And,,, I'm not very vain,,,MUCH..LOL
Be well Bro