1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
only shit guidance I am afraid....need to get me some bat shit, I feel left out now, mind you I did use dried up bonemeal/chicken poop mixed in with my coco this time...made my soil a bit hot in veg with the combo of my other nutes..


Well-Known Member
DOn whats up with J assanage??? Where is his house in location to London??? How do folks in the UK feel about him leaking US Docs?


Well-Known Member
DOn whats up with J assanage??? Where is his house in location to London??? How do folks in the UK feel about him leaking US Docs?
not aimed at me but i have to chime in.

what they have done is expose the truth, nobody has came in and said that any of these documents are forged, that means all he has done is expose the truth. many people don't like the truth, and think what he is doing is disrespectful and bad for international relationships, and they are right. the only productive thing to come out of this whole fiasco will be better encryption software lol.
he lived in the london area, thats all i know.


Well-Known Member
I had this discussion with my old man and have to verge towards these sorts of things being kept under wraps. The public do not need to know what some diplomat thinks of some other diplomat. When you work in any situation you get to learn how to deal with people, what they are like, what not to say, etc. You don't then turn around for example and show your clients the internal emails you have written about them. Communication is a fine art and wouldn't we be in a bad way if we could all read each others minds...especially relations between men and women, haha.

Some things should be out in the open, some things definitely should not.

not aimed at me but i have to chime in.

what they have done is expose the truth, nobody has came in and said that any of these documents are forged, that means all he has done is expose the truth. many people don't like the truth, and think what he is doing is disrespectful and bad for international relationships, and they are right. the only productive thing to come out of this whole fiasco will be better encryption software lol.
he lived in the london area, thats all i know.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
well we recently had a heated discussion about this the other night in the pub. personally i didnt know much about it, but after learning that some of the leaked info has resulted in deaths i was still of the mind that if these people didnt want it to come out they shouldnt have opened their mouths and pens. consequences of your own actions are something every person has to realise. i am for freedom of speech. those that died are martyrs to it. to not speak of the atrocities etc is to be ignorant to the crime. thats on your conscience. the indifference of man will be its downfall. we see it every day we live our comfortable lives spending our spare money getting pissed and enjoying ourself when half the world starves. im no worse than the next man dont get me wrong, but you have to draw your own moral line and not be too judgefull of others with a different line.

here endeth the sermon. :lol:

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
well we recently had a heated discussion about this the other night in the pub. personally i didnt know much about it, but after learning that some of the leaked info has resulted in deaths i was still of the mind that if these people didnt want it to come out they shouldnt have opened their mouths and pens. consequences of your own actions are something every person has to realise. i am for freedom of speech. those that died are martyrs to it. to not speak of the atrocities etc is to be ignorant to the crime. thats on your conscience. the indifference of man will be its downfall. we see it every day we live our comfortable lives spending our spare money getting pissed and enjoying ourself when half the world starves. im no worse than the next man dont get me wrong, but you have to draw your own moral line and not be too judgefull of others with a different line.

here endeth the sermon. :lol:
but don't you find knowledge without wisdom is dangerous.
just my 2 cents



Well-Known Member
I am afraid people in general don't have the intelligence to know or understand the consequences of their own actions Don, hence why a modicum of control is needed to keep any complex society together....my 2 cents.

Whats up on the green fron Don lad?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
too true man but who who polices the world police!? team america thats who!!!! this could go on forever haahah on the green front is a shambles D my timings are out of whack, my girls still have the claw, im thinking maybe bloombastic is a bit hot on top of the A&B!? my cuts wont root cos its too cold my veg are growing really slowly and thats about that bro. im so more of a trees than sog person but hey ho...

i think i should really be just running 2 strains at a time but seeing as i have nearly half a dozen clone onlies or crosses of or gifted beans to test out its going to be a while before i run all one strain. i had the crazy idea of just picking 10 different beans out the fridge for one run just for shits n giggles. probs more bother than its worth.

and ive got manflu so i really cant be bothered to do much gardening even smoking has been hard work. im a space cadet on the benelyn as is.

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear your under the weather brother. Fluids man, help pee that bug out of your system. Hopefully your woman shows you some symphathy when your in a position like that, cause mine don't. Here's to a speedy recovery friend,,,,,:joint:

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah far from it she turned up n asked ofr 20 quid shed left her purse at home an put a load of petrol in the car haha had to fill out a load of forms so i had nto nnip to the bank get her 20 and tottle off to the garage... she did drop me off at the chinese takeaway on the way back tho i cant heklp this feeling that ive been done like a KIPPER....


Well-Known Member
too true man but who who polices the world police!? team america thats who!!!! this could go on forever haahah on the green front is a shambles D my timings are out of whack, my girls still have the claw, im thinking maybe bloombastic is a bit hot on top of the A&B!? my cuts wont root cos its too cold my veg are growing really slowly and thats about that bro. im so more of a trees than sog person but hey ho...

i think i should really be just running 2 strains at a time but seeing as i have nearly half a dozen clone onlies or crosses of or gifted beans to test out its going to be a while before i run all one strain. i had the crazy idea of just picking 10 different beans out the fridge for one run just for shits n giggles. probs more bother than its worth.

and ive got manflu so i really cant be bothered to do much gardening even smoking has been hard work. im a space cadet on the benelyn as is.
lol team america world police, funny as fuck.
bloombastic lowers the ph so helps with the claw in my experience, sure is spicy stuff thats for sure, go easy on it don.
i'm on the multi strain growing too, pain in the ass trying to guess how much they can take without burning. one kind at a time from now on, or certainly less than 7 different kinds in 1 tent.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
yeah i thought i was i was only adding like 1 ml per 5 litre which is like 4ml lower than necessary, maybe im under feeding!?!? doubt it tho thats not like me haha

aye 7 + is a handful think ive got 10 or 11 now not sure. probs why im havin bother