1st from Seed Grow (Cowboy Style)


Well-Known Member
DST - that's funny, the couple of nights away or the very odd weekend hubby and i get away from life and stress and kids etc we still smoke weed lol we dont smoke during the day on a day to day basis, mainly for the girls - plus i wont drive with them in the car if i've smoked so it just doesn't work lol do you think your use is more of a self medicating thing as opposed to a plain love of being high?

oh and did that game make it ok?? he will be very chuffed with you mr :)


Well-Known Member
some one talk about weed for fucks sake!! are all your periods synchonised, you bunch of sheilas

i hope that came out funny, it was meant to be lol
Indeed it did, fekkin hate man periods, hahaha.

DST - that's funny, the couple of nights away or the very odd weekend hubby and i get away from life and stress and kids etc we still smoke weed lol we dont smoke during the day on a day to day basis, mainly for the girls - plus i wont drive with them in the car if i've smoked so it just doesn't work lol do you think your use is more of a self medicating thing as opposed to a plain love of being high?

oh and did that game make it ok?? he will be very chuffed with you mr :)
I tend to find if I am away and weed is not readily available then I am now at an age where going out hunting for it is just not cricket anymore. So I switch myself of to it as well. I love being high, but I hate the stress of anticipation and waiting for blow to turn up...Normally I am away on holiday in the sun which is also pretty good for my knee as well, warmer temps always make it feel better.

The wee man got his game yesterday (well impressed with the service of that company) He was chuffed to bits. IT's his birthday today, but him and his pals went laser shotting at the weekend, all dressed up in Fatigues.

ive got a lass for that sort of thing ;)
So Northern, hehe.

OscarOscar your splendid one to behold, not that any one wants to behold you mate .
Hope ur havina good 420 guys logve ya all and yeah im baked to fook lol. dunt like the new riu ffs
No one likes change....and this is the 2nd time I am trying to post...will get our heids round it eventually....

If it was Champers, it would be called Dom Perignon (scratch that) DON PERIGNON.

Peace guys,


Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ballache does this mean im going to have to learn how to make big pictures again :( im sure they could have kept the blazin 07 skin hahaha how fuckin old do i sound ......

ALL CHANGE IS BAD CHANGE. wheres me walkin stick i'm gannin out to beat some kids.

*off to check if blazin 07's still there*

mr west

Well-Known Member
good luck, that was the 1st thing i tried to find lmao, might go with the other one but, see wot its like lol.


Well-Known Member
Post the pics in your album, select them, then copy the actual pic and past into reply. Same as before.....

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah like the meerkat says iz simples...


looked up the blazin skin, no dice from rolli himself its not happening with the new software. and new journals will actually be blogs. to give us more control over them apparently.

never thought id be a blogger in a million years


Well-Known Member
Just a different word to me, I alwasy thought these were Blogs anyway.....catching up with the times I guess.

p.s Pass the walking stick Don, I am off to the Ozzy tomorrow for another knee operation....actually scratch that, I picked up crutches yesterday...after cycling 14 km to get the fuckers!! The women told me, OH well, it'sh good for your KNEE yesh!! (and they pronounce the K when they say knee in Dutch, hahaha)

mr west

Well-Known Member
my dad had a new knee op the other year, fuking amazing what they dop and how quick ur up and walkin bout.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Just a different word to me, I alwasy thought these were Blogs anyway.....catching up with the times I guess.
tomato tomatoe red ball thingy i guess eh
p.s Pass the walking stick Don, I am off to the Ozzy tomorrow for another knee operation....actually scratch that, I picked up crutches yesterday...after cycling 14 km to get the fuckers!! The women told me, OH well, it'sh good for your KNEE yesh!! (and they pronounce the K when they say knee in Dutch, hahaha)
christ man is the clogwogs healthcare system that bad you had to cycle 14k for crutches? good luck on the op man tho i know a lass that had both replaced and shes fine. plenty of dope and dvds, n a week being waited on. man what did you do to get that?


Well-Known Member
christ man is the clogwogs healthcare system that bad you had to cycle 14k for crutches? good luck on the op man tho i know a lass that had both replaced and shes fine. plenty of dope and dvds, n a week being waited on. man what did you do to get that?
Actually the Clog NHS is a part social, part private system. Everyone has to pay for health care insurance each month. Mine is around €130/month which is the all singing, all dancing gig. They do actually deliver the crutches, but because I thought I would be in Vienna today, and my op is tomorrow, I had to pick them up,,,grrr....but hey ho, Volcano cancelled my flights!!

I once thought I had a chance of being a professional footballer, haha. When I had my first two ops it was all top notch Private health care, top Scottish knee surgeon, the works...after the second operation they just told me to STOP. This was just when key hole surgery was coming into action so rebuilding knees was a much longer drawn out process than it is now. Plus I was just about to go off to University so the decision was to stop playing football...that really killed me!! And here I am, 20 years later and still getting fukkin operations, and with arthritis to boot!! Plus I fukkin hated University, bunch of fekkin swotty tossers trying to be all cool and studenty...c_nts!! Ok, off my high horse rant for a minute....it's yer Goerdie thread that brings it out of me Don, hahaha.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ya tryna say were radge like DST???? hahahah christ we are. if you got to see the man tits on display the other night. we won the championship the pitch got invaded there was moobs everywhere fat loud geordies ( is there any other type ) i wish id have been there :(

man its a shame your knee went then man the shit they can do by keyhole no is mind blowing. my lass is having an op in 2 months to get a fybroid removed, its the size of a mango ish and thats being done keyhole!? how i dont know.

i lasted 12 weeks at uni didnt even see the xmas in, similar thoughts, bunch of tossers. and i was at the poly not newcastle hahah like i could have got in to newcastle uni. what a giraffe


Well-Known Member
ya tryna say were radge like DST???? hahahah christ we are. if you got to see the man tits on display the other night. we won the championship the pitch got invaded there was moobs everywhere fat loud geordies ( is there any other type ) i wish id have been there :(

man its a shame your knee went then man the shit they can do by keyhole no is mind blowing. my lass is having an op in 2 months to get a fybroid removed, its the size of a mango ish and thats being done keyhole!? how i dont know.

i lasted 12 weeks at uni didnt even see the xmas in, similar thoughts, bunch of tossers. and i was at the poly not newcastle hahah like i could have got in to newcastle uni. what a giraffe
I was still into Drugs, violence and naughtyness when I went to Uni. I thought it was amazing that no-one really cared that you went to a lecture or not...so I never bothered!!! It wasn't until I went back as a mature student that I really got into the whole studying thing....but for me, it was just full of the people I generally avoided at school (and who generally avoided me, haha)

I think the Geodie vibe is brilliant. Glad to see the Toon back up again, fekkin shocker in the first place what the Club has gone through....but that seems common place with Football clubs these days. Believe it or not, we use to Intercity train it down to Newcastle on a Saturday after finishing our milk round, and go round the shops spending our wages. You always got bits of clothing that never made it up to Scotland...oh those Casual days.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahahah i can imagine you on the terraces giving it large. so your an old firm boy eh!? i shy away from that end im a big lad but im nee hard man. the gremlins are our firm lol mostly just drug dealers who like a ruck, ive got ne time for them. different class of hooligan now man.