1st ever grow


Well-Known Member
they look really good actually, keep it up. for the mate that is, lol, just keep the temps at the canopy stable and as close to 72 degree as poss. you will be fine and you are ready ALMOST for 12/12


thanks for that mate. i did have 3 plants but i came home from work 1 day and it had just flopped down like sum thing mad. how often do i water the? iv got them in plagron all mix. iv got sum nutes but dont no wot and when to give them.


Well-Known Member
you should water like every 3-4 days, she will kinda ask for water by slouching or drooping. also, dig down a 2" hole and see if the soil is wet or dry. if its dry water it 3-400ml a pot is what i do


i dont no how to take clones like i said i am very new to all this. im puttin them into flower at the end ov the week when my timer comes.


ok thanks for that. my temp is 75-85 will this be ok. i have a fan in there with them and the light about 18" from the top. how do i top them?


Well-Known Member
dont top them, just go for 2 bigg ass nuggs on top. i dont top any of mind anymore. 75 degree is ok. and get you some bloom nutrients but remember dont burn them up


Well-Known Member
Both plants look pretty good but i would put the light closer,the 2nd picture shows the internodes are spaced more than i like them too be but for a first grow you seem to be doing ok.just lower the light and have the fan blowing between the fan and light this will double your yeiled.if the plants re~act badly to this give them a gradule movement of the light a little at a time they will soon become used of a little more heat.get into haveing the lights low on your first grow and you will have great big yeileds everytime.


cheers mate that was a great help thank you i will try and keep up with pics and if u could keep a look out i would greatful for any further info.