1st Ever Grow - 250w DWC 2x4x5 Tent w/ Mendo Purps SCROG


great job for your first time. i was all kinds of jacked up!

subbed... good luck.

Thanks HG I'm trying my best. Even if it doesn't go perfectly, gardening and caring for my plant has become quite therapeutic and a great way to start/end my days!


Well-Known Member
good job noob. im subbed, im interested to see what that light does im gonna be re designing my rooms and i was looking into leds. but roots look killer and im rooting for ya.


So in addition to the res temp staying at 65ºF, another benefit that seems to be correlated to the LED light is that my pH no longer fluctuates.

I was having issues with pH dropping (having to add some pH up everyday almost) but it has stayed rock solid at 5.8-5.9 for the last week.

I dont know why this would be the case but I'm happy regardless


So I keep noticing random tears in the leaves and I thought it was just because I had low humidity before or something, but now I'm worried that it might be bugs.

I dont see any bugs in the tent or on the plants when I look, but there are pests in my house and lots of bugs in the area where I live. I went in the bathroom a few hours ago to make a 1gal batch of res water and there were tons of little flies on the ceiling....

Should I be more concerned about this being bugs and take some preventative/counter measures?

Here are the tears I'm talking about:


Well-Known Member

I had something similar happening early on, I thought it was bugs, but could have been light burn or other, hoping someone can help you out I wanna know too!...


Thanks man yeah anybody experience/see this before? I've been looking but can't seem to find an answer.


Active Member
So I keep noticing random tears in the leaves and I thought it was just because I had low humidity before or something, but now I'm worried that it might be bugs.

I dont see any bugs in the tent or on the plants when I look, but there are pests in my house and lots of bugs in the area where I live. I went in the bathroom a few hours ago to make a 1gal batch of res water and there were tons of little flies on the ceiling....

Should I be more concerned about this being bugs and take some preventative/counter measures?

Here are the tears I'm talking about:
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I've had that on my leaves as well, I chalked it up to being the way the plant grows, some leaves just grow a little retarded.

Happy growing



Getting into the 3rd week of 12/12 now.

I did some more clearing of the undergrowth and tucking into the screen. I had been wondering why it didn't seem like she was growing much in the stretch--turns out when I changed the lights the screen accidentally got pulled up and now that I've put it back down she's filling out very nicely :)

Before and after tuck pics

Buds are forming!


I should have about 2 weeks left until she's ready to harvest :mrgreen:

I'm still just doing lucas formula but thinking about adding some AN overdrive for these last 2 weeks, thoughts?

Humidity has been dropping pretty low lately––20-30% usually––but I've heard that this is good towards the end to develop resin... seems to be ok.

Any guesses on yield? The screen is 2'X2' for reference.

Any comments/critique of the screen work would be helpful! I'm thinking I might want to let it grow above the screen a bit more for next time?

Here are some pics and BUD PORN ;-)


So I got an extra 6 gal water jug and decided to try increasing the size of my res with it. I light proofed it just in case.

The new tank(on the right) is connected to the plant's res tank with a hose, which is connected to a pump so I can fill the hose and connect the two.


The water levels out, so that I can have twice as much water, but I'm curious if everything else will even out: i.e. if I up the pH/add nutes to the main tank, will the whole solution change?

I know that people make control buckets to adjust everything but I've never seen one that uses a siphon to connect multiple tanks...

I'm just trying to increase the size of my rez so I can go away for more than two days every now and then lol