1st dwc growth is slow, too little or to much nutes?

First time hydro .400 w hps, 1bubble bucket. I keep the ph between 5.2 and 6. The temp in the tent is usually at 60-68 approximately the res temp is usually 17.5-19.celcius
I am using gen hydro veg micro bloom and also have a go box from them as well have only tried the cal mag because I thought I wasn't putting enough nutes because I've been only going half strength I don't want to up the anti and burn them just looking for pointers or suggestions d
For some reason it is yellowing and it isn't very tall . It's only about four weeks along now it hasn't shot up yet I give it light 20 hours a day but nothing and the leaves also feel dry.

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Well-Known Member
It's too cold, bring the heat up in the tent to 75-80. With the water and the tent both that cold it is stunting the growth. Try to keep the PH 5.5 and above as well. Are you air stones bubbling nicely? Check your PPMS, you should be fine with half strength.
I didn't know that I'll let the water level drop yes the water level is like in the middle of the net pot. And yes it's a little chilly where I have the plant I could turn the heat up in here see if that helps also.


Well-Known Member
lower water to bottom of net pot and fill net pot with hydroton if no root coming out of net pot top water till see roots coming out if roots are out of net pot are they nice and white

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
I run those exact temps with no issues. Especially because then you don't have to worry about your water getting too hot. Yeah drop that water immediatley.

Need to know your ppm... Also take a pic with the hps off so we can actually see what your plant looks like.

Btw I wouldn't use the 400w hps yet, start veg with CFL's or t5's, save ya money and stress on the baby. It won't even be able to uptake all of the light from that 400w until its bigger, really no reason to use it right now unless thats all you got.


Well-Known Member
hows the root`s been developing ?

Best thing about hydro is you can see all the root mass

If your roots are growing then don`t worry sooner or later the rest of the plant will grow if your not doing anything big time wrong

The roots looked pretty good but hard to tell with all that orange light can`t really see any of the plants colour
Yea the light dosent really let you see the color. The light I have is on a dimmable ballast so I can run it at 200 300 and 400 watts. The ppm is around 900. My water comes out the tap after a day it's about 400 ppm before I add nutes so I'm running only about 500 ppm of nutes. It says to add a tablespoon per gallon which is 5 milliliters, I've been only putting a tablespoon per the 3.5 gallons. So should I really use tablespoon per gallon think I'm under feeding I germ'd this plant on Xmas .so it's going for about a month now.

Anon Emaus

Well-Known Member
Keep at that ppm, thats good for this age. Never do full dose of nutes that the bottle says, thats too much. To give you an idea, i'm at 750ppm right now, been flowering for a week. That ppm is perfect right now, showing no signs of any issues. 2'x2' canopy. I'm in a 5 gal dwc under 250w with GH flora nova bloom, i ran gh flora series trio prior and i'm seeing similiar ppm levels. Although strains will vary on how much they like, you just gotta see what the plant tells you.

If ppm is rising throughout the week that tells you its too much nutes, if its dropping it means its eating the nutes. Just don't want it to drop real drastically cuz then its not enough nutes. It's good to have it stay the same all week, thats what you should probably aim for.

You're tap water being 400ppm is possibly concerning, who knows what that 400ppm includes so that really could throw shit off, just a variable you can't control.


Is there any way i can maybe dilute my tap water of its impurities I leave it out a night to let any chlorine evaporate before I mix it in my res. my res temp concerning me also ice it bad to put ice in there if it gets too hot, will it shock my plant.?


Well-Known Member
No. RO water pushes the water thru sets of membranes to diffuse the impurities out of the water. Or some shit like that. Not a scientist.

Distilled water is when you boil the fuck out of it and collect the condensate.

If my water was that bad i'd get an RO filter. Cheaper in the long run.

400ppm tap is high.

mine is 90ppm
Oh ok. Well I'll do a little experiment and see what the ppm is before and after boiling a gallon of tap. Excuse the ignorance but is a hardware store somewhere I could find an ro filter?


Well-Known Member
No. A pet store that specializes in reef and aquarium setups may.

Boiling it without capturing the steam (which cools and condenses, which gives you your distilled) will likely make your water MORE concentrated by boiling off the water and leaving the impurities.
My leaves have yellow ish spots on them. New growth is slow but healthy green and speeding up, the main stem has really beefed up in the last week. i have a book, the cannabis grow bible by Greg green it has a chart with leave deficiencies and I can't tell of mine look like magneese deficient or iron any suggestions image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yea I could buy distilled water , but if I boil it down it out isn't that basically ro water is?
When unable to do RO for a while, I bought spring water... Distilled you still gotta add in cal-mag, and spring water just naturally has minerals in it, but under 200ppm easy... great for seedling n small plants that are just growing roots too.

Aside from drowning the plant,(you were) hows the humidity in the grow area?


Well-Known Member
BTW that ugly leaf, think of it as having cancer... it will spread, the leaf will become worse, brittle, crispy, then dead.....

But once it falls off the plant looks pretty again... If its a necessary foliage, a new leaf will pop near it... but that leaf and any other that has such spots, will slowly just continue to die...

I say this for two reasons, one, so you don't freak out when they do... and two, so you dont judge how well your changes are working based on those leaves... they will not heal, dont try to heal them, just prevent other leaves from failing...

I asked about humidity, cuz a few times now I had what I thought was calmag/Ph issues, but it was really just too damn dry, and the plants were presenting as if it were a deficiency... had to drop a sonic humidifier in the veg room to stop the leaf cancer...