1st Closet Grow in New Place

I've been reading up a bit and I hope I'm not falling into the common mistake of giving them too much attention... but I'm starting to worry!

Summary (for those who don't want to read my ridiculously long post)
I think I have over-fertalized my plants and have stunned them. Will they recover? I have a salt leaching solution, should I use that? How do I use that?

Bagseed of some not very good stuff (imo)
250W MH bulb in a small closet
Air intake through base w/ high powered fan
Exhaust feeds through light and out ceiling
I have been feeding 150mL of water daily (wayyy to much- I backed it down to less than half of that)
I've been bringing down the pH with stuff I have for my fish tank, keeping it between 5.5 and 6.5

It's been 3.5 weeks and I have definitely been over watering them, and I think I may have burned them with my nutrients. This is them at 3.5 weeks and they haven't grown much at all over the past week.

The plants

The lower leaves feel very coarse and like they have some sort of grainy substance on them. I just transplanted them from a smaller pot with Scott's miraclegrow soil to a 3 gallon pot with roots organic. When I took them out the roots looked crazy, they were curled all around the bottom of the other pot. Also, the other soil started to have white residue develop on top of the soil- Maybe salt from over fert??


I've been using a root stimulator and a botinacare grow fert. I was told that I shouldn't have used liquid fert with already fertilized soil....

What now?
My question is what should I do next? Have I caused perm damage? Will they recover? When should they start growing again?


also i bought one of those multi-readers today... and based on it it's saying my soil is reading out between 7-8 pH??
I'm not sure if that matters or how accurate I think that thing is, it was $10- does moisture, light, and pH


Well-Known Member
Yes. They look a bit scorched. I'd flush 'em. As a tip, that's the exact reason why you would not want pre-firt soil. You want soil that has just about nothing in it and pH neutral. I have one of those crazy multimeters and it's garbage. I may as well have lit my $10 on fire. :) With fertilized soil, you don't know what kind of plant it's fertilized for. So.. flush like mad and you may want to check the soil bag and the nute solution to see where it's heavy. You want decent N after these guys recover.
Yes. They look a bit scorched. I'd flush 'em.
So I've been doing some reading and I can't seem to find this answer about flushing.

I see I am supposed to use an excessive amount of water (3 gallons of water to 1 gallon of soil).

My question is, isn't over watering bad?? I thought that could kill plants.
I'm a little worried about what happens when I pour that much water through the plants.

The other part of the question is, they were in small pots with the pre-fert soil. About the size of 2 plastic cups. I then transplanted them (keeping the soil) into a 3 gallon pot with new non-fert soil.

Does that mean I should only flush with water the amount of the other soil? Which is basically the soil in the middle of the pot?