
Well-Known Member
Hello rollitup family I'm here to say I'm ADDICTED! lol well I fell in love with growing...it actually started as many others (Got some bag seed lets plant it in soil and see what comes out of it). Well I'm still a beginner I have been reading articles about growing for about a month or two and now I feel ready.

I've successfully germinated 3 snow white seeds from Nirvana (very reliable)!! I'm using a styrofoam cooler in a closet. I plan on doing the veg with my cfl's on 24 hr then flower with 150w HPS 12/12.

I'll attach pics for now but if its easier to just put them in my txt then let me know.

Here is what I'm using..

Four 23w N.Vision Soft White
Four 23w N.Vision Bright White
Styrofoam cooler
Co2 Boost
1 Fan
Nirvana seeds (Snow white)
Fox Farms Ocean Soil
Distilled Water
Bat Guano
Humboldt Honey Es Carbs
Jump Start -Advanced Nutrients
Nirvana- Advanced Nutrients
ph Down- Advanced Nutrients
Big Bud- Advanced Nutrients
Go Knats - Any bug problems
Water pH kit
Soil pH kit

Like I said I'm still a beginner as experience goes so any help is appreciated, Thanks:weed:



Active Member
hi,.....i`m just a newb on here but i hope you havent give them nutes yet....they look like they have nute-burn or you have had the lights too close and they`ve dried up...your ph could also be causing your problem with leaves....some soils have a too high concentration of nutes in them for seedlings &young plants...peat in your compost can be a cause also......hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Yeah I forgot to mention that burned plant has been through hell and back it has been my guinea pig. I've done alot of bad things to her but I believe I have the situation under control now ( I hope). It was in regular potting soil recovering from my newb mistakes. Then my Fox Farm soil came in and I figured its the best soil so I transplanted. The nutes in the soil burnt her but I have her in a homemade humidity dome after flushing.

When flushing your suppose to flush with pH'd water but how long do you let it sit in the wet soil? I let her sit in it for about an hr or so then I transplanted into fresh soil. How many times do you flush with water?



Well-Known Member
three times the amount of water the pot can hold so a one gallon pot three gallons of water , if you trans planted into ocean forest your plant should be fine and I would stay away from nutes for a couple of weeks


Well-Known Member
Hello all....I've changed my setup a little to help with humidity issues and its just overall more ideal I believe.

so I was sitting here high :bigjoint: thinking about my setup and I had some concerns with it so I went into brilliant mode & came up with this. I cut a hole in the side of the cooler to allow air to flow sufficiently through. I placed a heating pad at the bottom and placed my pots inside big zip lock bags with water and rocks in the bag. The rocks will heat up from the heating pad helping the water evaporate raising the humidity :blsmoke:

Oh yeah the co2 hose is going into the sick plants bag.


Pics attached of course...



Well-Known Member
Excuse that 3rd pic it was from the beginning...

Thanks stoney for the comment...

I don't plain on giving any nutes for a while!!!


Well-Known Member
Before I changed everything I was only getting around 35% - 40% humidity. Now I can keep the heating pad on low that way the water evaporates gradually instead of hot hot hot.



Well-Known Member
35 to 40 % is great you may have to water a little more frequebtly but alot of moisture causes damp roots = bad and can cause mold get rid of that shit trust me 35 to 40 is way better than 75 % !!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks alot....that's why I'm on here to learn learn learn!! Do you have any suggestions for my sick baby girl? I flushed and she's in fresh soil as we speak.....


Well-Known Member
watch it so it is not getting worse but you should be good after transplanting into ff ocean forest and no nutes until necessary !!


Well-Known Member
Sounds good I opened those bags to allow fresh air thus lowering humidity. Thanks for the help stoney...keep coming back I'll have more updates to come.

Question: After flushing how long should the plant remain in that very wet soil before transplanting?


Well-Known Member
flushing is only done and then you let the plant dry out do not let it sit in water or keep flushing . Do it once and let dry out if you need to transplant do it any time , marijuana does not like wet feet, it will cause root rot as well as those bags get rid of them bro !!!!


Well-Known Member
80 F/ 45%

Woke up this morning to 3 baby girls penetrating the top layer:clap:

I took some of Stoney's advice and opened the bags allowing the humidity to escape but as its escaping the plant will capture some of it. My 3 plants are doing good thus far I watered yesterday 25 ml of distilled water. Is there a recommended amount of water to give or is it basically your judgment base on weight differences from wet to dry?

On the other hand my sick child looks a little sicker!! Is it possible that the Fox Farm soil burnt her b/c the nutes that are already in the soil? Is there an ideal environment for sick plants?

Pics attached!



Well-Known Member
all that is already dead or dieing on that plant is already gonna go sorry, but what you need to look at is the new growth if there is any ? If not chuck it but if the new leaves are still coming out then you may be alright. Problem with doing this to young seedlings is that they will have a way higher chance of being male or hermie because of the early stress , Good luck. I have used fox farm for all my babies and they grow great from seed as long as you add no ferts until 3rd week or later if plant shows no sign of nutrient def. ex. like yellowing leaves


Well-Known Member
I'm aware that you can give the plant nutrients through its leaves if the roots have locked up because nutes. Well how long does a plants roots stay locked up and could I possibly start a foliage spray on the leaves to help (N) uptake?



Well-Known Member
Its hard letting go =-(

Alright she's been through enough pain and suffering....marijuana heaven she goes.

Ok I want to get some more seeds so I can have a few more species growing....have to love variety! I've ordered from Nirvana it was good but is there better out there?? Price, etc?


Well-Known Member
Thanks lol its hard letting go...=)

I was reading a grow where they mentioned that name and said he went "bad" or something of that sort. Hmmm I'll give it a look.



Well-Known Member
ohh maybe i have been dormant for a little bit so im not totally upto date all i know is that i ordered from them and got it fast and cheap