1st cfl grow


Well-Known Member
well in a drunken stuper i came home last night and switched my bulbs and timer so now im in the flower stage. all i can say is god bless ! cause im tired of staring at those bright ass veg lights. ill get some recent pics tonight!


Active Member
Also you could be giving your plants to much water ? that's always a issue.. besides under watering . Other then that. they look healthy


Well-Known Member
i check with moisture meter now. it goes 1-10. and when it says 2 at bottom i water till i get about 1/4 inch or so runoff hen suck that out with a turkey baster. trimmed all the shit for nothing twigs and leaves that were dragging the soil last nite. and pulled all plants out and cleaned the floor AGAIN! hey jack, a clean garden = a healthy garden! heres a few pics!20130402_023321_zps30337b03.jpg20130402_022751_zpse27a46a7.jpg20130402_022732_zps394a2933.jpg20130402_014209_zps06c584e9.jpg20130402_014248_zps4b942b90.jpg


Well-Known Member
looks good. you know with no one giving you or us for that matter, it makes us read more, and learn to figure thing out on our own. as in my thread i stated i always grew outside and only went to them when i had to, this indoor is a nice way to go. i'm learning a lot from mine and i'm going to try other things on the next grow. i'm subbed and watching.


Active Member
Looking good man, just gave your grow a quick read through...hope you get a bunch of ladies! I think mine were a little smaller than yours when I flipped to 12-12, and they get big fast after the switch with lots of lower branches stretching out and up to the light, just keep your lights as low as possible at all times and you will be very satisfied in the end. Good Luck, I'll be following along buddy!


Well-Known Member
well after going to flower it took 7-10 days for all to show sex, and out of 8 plants, 2 were males.... so murder was in effect!!!!now im down to six! but all are looking healthy and budding. im gonna have alot of tops off of these plants for sure. gonna do a alot of training work on them tonite to accomodate the grow space and get the best light coverage. im pushing toward a nice even canopy! lights come on shortly and ill get some pics of them as well as my training methods...
NICE! 75% were girls..The plants look great, good job. Definitely important to do the training, they are going to get big fast. My cab is a jungle now because I didn't forsee the kind of growth to come in early flowering or I would have trained them better. It's best to get all those budsites even so they all get light and don't shade another too much.


Well-Known Member
yep, im gonna train the piss out of these. this is my first grow and i dont like to fail, so im paying close attention and documenting everything in my calender! which i think everyone should have in their grow tools. here are some pics of the tools of my trade!!and notice how bright the light is coming out of my closet:)20130405_002740_zps3791570c.jpg20130405_002058_zps32926d8e.jpg20130405_002133_zps1df969d4.jpg


Well-Known Member
well first off i need advice! while doing some lst last nite ,on one of my plants i found what appear to be balls starting out or hopefully swollen calyx? every plant show all signs of female but this one spot on this one has me worried. its pic 1&2. advice is greatly appreciated? now the rest of the pics are of my training technique which consist of 14gauge electric wire stripped ,cut and bent into form. i shoved a couple in the dirt before thinking about the roots! then i just let the pressure of the branch pull up on the hooks i bent on the ends, and hook to the edge of the pot! any advice or ideas? is it gonna stress em out since im allready in flower to do this? and possibly cause hermies at this point in the game?:wall:20130412_233913_zps6b9516b0.jpg20130412_234032_zps1537505f.jpg20130412_223450_zpsc6015c30.jpg20130412_223752_zpsd89adc82.jpg20130412_223852_zps4b697598.jpg20130412_231810_zps48b9df7d.jpg20130413_012655_zps4fa5dd50.jpg20130413_012504_zps99ef7ad8.jpg20130413_011606_zpsde67f6d9.jpg20130412_234153_zps5c915f5c.jpg20130412_224948_zps23030207.jpg20130412_223321_zps0df34828.jpg


Active Member
Dunno man, those first pics look like it's a male to me. I'm no expert tho, not by a long shot, but if it were me I'd cut my losses and just rip that one out. PLEASE someone correct me if I'm wrong.

As for the rest of them, they're lookin gorgeous. Looks like a nice LST job so far too. I'm planning on extreme LST for my current girl, keep her nice and low and spread that canopy right across the soil.

Subbed and watchin.

Oh, btw... What do you use the yeast for? Saw it in one of your equipment pics.


Well-Known Member
thanks man. im watching them real close,and even posted in mj problems on the "ball" issue. everyone says cut it down:(i might just try to shave them off and watch it real close, i dont know. the rest of the plant is flowering well though.there really sucking up the water now! at most 3 days and i water with about half gallon each. gonna start flower nutes tonight.


Well-Known Member
Dunno man, those first pics look like it's a male to me. I'm no expert tho, not by a long shot, but if it were me I'd cut my losses and just rip that one out. PLEASE someone correct me if I'm wrong.

As for the rest of them, they're lookin gorgeous. Looks like a nice LST job so far too. I'm planning on extreme LST for my current girl, keep her nice and low and spread that canopy right across the soil.
---sorry i totally ignored your question ,so worked up by the balls thing! i use the yeast to make co2 in my room. 3/4 cup sugar with 1/3 tsp yeast in a 2 liter bottle. seen it on youtube, grow420guide is the user name or drewgro will lead you to the video on how to do this. and thanks for the comment ! seems like their hard to come by! -- and for the update i shaved the balls off with a razor blade. aint no way im killing this whole budding plant over 2balls... i will watch it closely tho and let you now what comes of it. also bout to visit the babies and snap some pics so ill update here shortly. with little to no comments and or advice just seems like im gonna be the next teacher on here! learn fron your mistaes and pass it along to others! i aint skeered:lol:..............
Subbed and watchin.

Oh, btw... What do you use the yeast for? Saw it in one of your equipment pics.


Well-Known Member
thanks man! im trying real hard ! heres a few pics . the first 2 are of the plant in question with the "balls"! tell me you could kill this! my ass, im gonna save it one way or the other, i hope! and the others are just some random top shots and the beutiful bud shot at the end!!!!!!!! mind you these are at day15 of flower:mrgreen:20130417_004744_zpsd3ab8723.jpg20130417_004116_zps2fb767c4.jpg20130416_022550_zps0c6dd64a.jpg20130416_023811_zpsc5c89350.jpg20130417_004550_zps4bec9a15.jpg


Well-Known Member
well figured id give an update! plant that had the balls, i decided to go on my own learning curve with and removed them from the plant and a few more showed up and removed those and now the plant is just full of lush buds with no sign of anything bud buds!!!!plants need watered every three days, if 4 days go by they are droopy looking.today is 10 weeks and 2 days, put them into flower at 4 weeks , so, roughly 6 weeks in flower! dont really know how they should look at this point cause this is my first grow, but i think there looking fuckin awesome!! nor do i know how long they should go for? im gonna buy a microscope from the hydro store next time i go so i can look at the tricomes. but i think i have a ways to go on them. definately having some deficiency issues, but not to bad. heres a few pics . any comments or advice- type away:bigjoint:20130510_024746_zpse5f25dd3.jpg20130510_024834_zps86eb4f72.jpg20130510_024812_zps17a01fd2.jpg20130510_025149_zps4b493864.jpg20130510_025105_zps96180ce7.jpg20130510_025329_zps2f2380a2.jpg20130510_025352_zps2d450f87.jpg


Well-Known Member
they are looking good man, i'm starting week 9 on mine and they have yet to start to cloud, so i hope they will soon. i tried to do pics last night and tried again a little bit ago, but for some reason they are side ways, even tried to turn the camera. i'll figure it out. good to see you back bro. oh by the way i love your sig pic.


Well-Known Member
thanks man! i hope i can go like 12 weeks! we'll see. the buds are really gettin fat on these babys!i almost got it down i think? think im having cal-mag or a nute lockout.last time i fed i put the nutes in the water first then phed! only to find out that the nutes actually brought the ph level way down on there own! but before that i was ph"ing then adding nutes ,so it had to be way off! next water im gonna check my runoff as well! and next trip to the store its a microscope and some more ph test supplies , like a dirt kit! im pretty anal about anything i do , so im confident by the time i harvest these and start on a new batch i shoukd have it pretty close to figured out. looking at other peoples first attempt versus mine- id say its a home run!heres a couple from last nite!20130514_015349_zpsb1b1f141.jpg20130514_015454_zps7fc2f5e5.jpg20130512_050839_zps6a238276.jpg20130514_015545_zps05afe50c.jpg


Well-Known Member
well got some new toys! some cal-mag, a milwaukee ph 600 tester with the 7.0 solution. some sun leaves pruners,with cleaning agent for the blades, and some ka-pow insecticide- free$. think i got lock out going on or a cal mag problem on my plants! ggrrrrrrrr lights will be on later and i'll post pics up. hope someone can help me a little on these. the buds are looking kiler but im afraid i'm gonna fuck em up at this point.


Well-Known Member
Nah you're in the home stretch bro you'll be just fine! You keep doing what you're doing, and you'll be harvesting some beautiful flowers real soon. Good luck, Good grow, Be safe, :peace: out.