1st CFL Grow, Blue Cheese and Purple Bud!


Well-Known Member
Pics as promised!

The before mentioned cheese cup turned flower pot.

The sprout in the cheese cup.. last to germ, first to sprout.

New sprout in larger pot.. not looking so hot though. Very yellow.. I think its because it still very very young.

All the goodness.


Well-Known Member
I think you need a medium with less sticks and tree bark in it. I had the same problem with miracle gro, and it looked like that. My plants came out yellowish, and looked to be nute burnt by the end of week one. I changed to some better soil I bought, and BAM, they're looking healthy and growing like wildfire. Some people swear by miracle gro, but I have had nothing but bad experiences using it. I don't know if that is what you're using, but you may consider getting some better soil from wal mart, I got mine for 3 bucks a bag.

I am gonna sub to this, your set up and mine are very similar, and you started like I did. Take a look at my grow in my sig.


Well-Known Member
What soil did you get from wally world? Im currently using miracle-gro organic.

Once I get a little more (payday) Im probably going to get some FoxFarm soil. Going to shop around a little here locally though and see if I can find something thats not so woody chunky as this MG.


Well-Known Member
What soil did you get from wally world? Im currently using miracle-gro organic.

Once I get a little more (payday) Im probably going to get some FoxFarm soil. Going to shop around a little here locally though and see if I can find something thats not so woody chunky as this MG.
I bought some shit called "Expert Gardner Potting Soil" I opened the bag and looked at it first, and it looked legit and was hella cheap. My miracle gro was miraculously infested with fungus gnats, and I'm not the only one.:wall:

At any rate, it worked for me, the bugs are gone, and the plants are as happy as could be.

I bought some Fox Farm, but I'm gonna wait to use until I get some good genetics.


Well-Known Member
Im going to look into that for sure. And im with you on the FoxFarm for good genetics.. Ive got some seeds from attitude on the way which I will for sure use Foxfarm for.

Today the seedling that was looking kind of yellow is bcak to bright green. Right before I snapped that pic I basically "un-earthed" it. The only leaves on it were still covered by dirt. Now that its getting light it seems to be looking better.

Checked out your grow also King, Im subbed!


Well-Known Member
Im going to look into that for sure. And im with you on the FoxFarm for good genetics.. Ive got some seeds from attitude on the way which I will for sure use Foxfarm for.

Today the seedling that was looking kind of yellow is bcak to bright green. Right before I snapped that pic I basically "un-earthed" it. The only leaves on it were still covered by dirt. Now that its getting light it seems to be looking better.

Checked out your grow also King, Im subbed!
Thanks man, I've been subbed on this one for awhile now.

Yeah they won't turn green until photosynthesis happens I guess...


Well-Known Member
3rd seedling broke soil today. All 3 babies are green and healthy looking. My seeds still havent showed up, today is a week from when I ordered the seeds.

On a side note, after I see what happens with this soil grow I may or may not grow the ordered seeds in soil. Really been toying with making a single site bubble bucket.

Ill get some more pics after I see some form of development from the babies. The really arent doing much.. not sure if its the soil, temps, humidity, etc. Going to wally-world tomorrow to get thermometer for my box.. along with some emergency blankets.


Well-Known Member
how tall are you planning on veggin them? that box may be too small when its all said and done

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
lookin good but if i may suggest building a new light fixture.. check out my sig i have a similar sized cabinet


Active Member
Hello Brother ! I have been taking a look at your gear and may be able to offer some advice based on my own experience growing in a cabinet.
Intake/Exhaust - Once you close that cabinet, Heat WILL be an issue, that I can promise you. Those CFL's put off more heat than you may think. Ensure that when you install your fans, that there are more CFM out than in. If the amount of CFM is relatively the same, it will not exchange the air appropriately enough for your gals to thrive. Make sure exhaust is toward the top of the Cab and intake at the bottom. I would actually recommend passive intake.
Soil - I have never grown with MG but by looking at the soil you have now, It would appear as though there is not alot to allow any drainage or let any air in. When you transplant, add some perlite to the mix (there are a lot of good recipes on RIU). I cannot give you any specifics about soil, all I know is the Mix I have is working just fine. I used an organic mix with worm castings and bat guano. Mixed about a cup of perlite into 2 gallons (using 2 gallon pots). Runoff is great and my girls are happy and healthy in it.
Box Size - Cannot comment about the strain you are growing however you will certainly need to look into topping and LST'ing those plants or you WILL run out of vertical room. Again there is A LOT of info here on this site in regard to Topping and LST.
Anywho.... That is my 2 cents, I an by NO MEANS an expert, just a first time Cab Grower willing to share what worked (and did not work) for me.
I think I am going to Sub this and see how you make out.
Peace Bro and let me know if I can help out in any way. You can see my Grow in my Sig.


Well-Known Member
I am for sure worried about heat. At the moment I leave the door cracked open to allow some venting. Soon Im going to put in some PC case fans for intake/exhaust.

Im aware of my vertical height issue, I plan on fully using LST and topping.

I plan on vegging them til 3rd node. Then its 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Also thinking about making a bubble bucket.. Ive made a few before always with rockwool and hydroton.. can you use perlite instead of hydroton? As in.. put a block of rockwool into a net pot and surround it with perlite?


Well-Known Member
Yea. This isn't a "for profit" grow. Just trying to not have to go see a dealer and pay 60 plus for an eighth.


Well-Known Member
Patiently waiting on the buds. I found a hydro store about a hour away from me so I'm going to visit it monday. I'll come back with at least.some foxfarm goodies. Perhaps some hydroton, rockwool, and net pots but well see.


Well-Known Member
Sprouted second set of leaves today. Thinking about putting them into flower tuesday. Just want these done so I can get onto my seeds from the attitude. Thoughts?


Well-Known Member
Im from Alabama, although I dont think it matters where your from when it comes to seeds. Just tracked my package from the Attitude and it made it through customs I suppose. Its in NY at the moment.

Anyway, just got back from the garden store with some goodies. Foxfarm Ocean Forest, FoxFarm Grow Big, Big Bloom, and Tiger Bloom.IMG_0401.jpg Super stoked about this. Also will be putting my seedlings into 12/12 as soon as my package from attitude shows up. Would like to move onto my Blue Cheese and Lemon Amnesia haze :)