1st auto grow to start soon summing up research please help with questions

Hey all so Im about to start my first grow and i have a few questions which i have yet to find the answers to.

I will be growing in an enclosure about 4ft tall and 2ft wide. I have a 10 gallon resovoir and 10 seeds, 5 auto berry ryder amd 5 bllue invader. I planning on spliting them into 2 grows. My first crop will gonsist of the berry ryder strain only. I will be using botanicare CNS17 grow and bloom formulas as well as one 250w MH light and 1 250w HPS light.

I have not been able to find much specific information about soil less nutrient feeling. Here are my main questions:

How often should i add nutrients to the resevoir and how much for each respective stage?
how often should i change the resevoir water?
how can i increase bud potency?

the last thing i ask if for any good info, links or videos pertaining to LSTing plants or more specifically autoflowers