1st annual RIU after harvest BBQ! Sat Dec 10th!

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lol hey kmk i just got off the phone with TWS i am a little confused. Did you tell me earlyer in the thread we were not friends anymore?
Dude,w e are ALL friends.but this bs has become enuff. Im actually amused at this rt now. So whos everyone going to prom with?Lmao I dont dislike anyone,just you twos drama.
I was just confused i saw some message on the other page saying you two and i was like what?? lol. Anyways me and JJ and fumble and G man Nuggs are hookin up soon. You guys care to join? I still gotta get the ice chest haha. If i had lost another friend in rosa that be weak as hell haha! Missin rosa already haha
I have her on global ignore now. I suggest you and others do the same so that it doesn't ruin your experience here. I have big plans this summer and need to come here for info so I am choosing to stay away from the drama and do what I was doing here before it all started. :)

The way that you add someone to you ignore list is you click on their name above their profile pic, click view profile, and once you are on the profile page you will see "add to ignore list" on the left side under the users name. Click that and you will get a confirmation page. That's it. Drama free RIU! :D

Thank you.
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