1st annual RIU after harvest BBQ! Sat Dec 10th!

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Double j I apologized to you and to everyone I am sorry if he keeps calling me and harrasing my friends and writting me, I asked him to stop please!!!!!
I have apoligized to everyone I just want to meet everyone and party I have done everything I can k....even changed my number....can't do anything else, I am focusing on my grow you can see that you yourself, what does anybody else have to focus on?????????
hahahah first I changed my number it was not a bs # because of goped and tws hahaha and he is obsessed with me he will not stop hahahaha!!!!! ok I have had four fucking brain injuries you jerk anyone who is on the forum knows this thanks and so did fucking spidar mite!!!! thanks!!!!! If you were to read my thread you would know I would like to work, they wont let me~!!!!!!! Goped does not have a job either besides being a liar and trying to get girls to suport him so fuck him to and yes you lied so fuck you too!!!!!
Sorry about your health issues KONA, I guess that explains everything!
I take back what I said, I had no idea you were injured!
My bad......I'll pray for you!
I have her on global ignore now. I suggest you and others do the same so that it doesn't ruin your experience here. I have big plans this summer and need to come here for info so I am choosing to stay away from the drama and do what I was doing here before it all started. :)

The way that you add someone to you ignore list is you click on their name above their profile pic, click view profile, and once you are on the profile page you will see "add to ignore list" on the left side under the users name. Click that and you will get a confirmation page. That's it. Drama free RIU! :D
I'm gonna fend for myself here because the board continues to let this crap go on.

I DID NOTHING TO KONA! except be her friend. I haven't called her since last Saturday when She tripped out and said she didn't want to be friends any more because I still talked to goped. I'm a grown ,man and can chose my own friends. THANK YOU!

SHE IS ALIENATING THE BOARD. She has done the same thing to Alottaball as she has just done to Treeman and Me and many other members. She is the one creating the turmoil and lies here. She is a lose cannon and I feel unsafe now. I will not be growing this year and further resign from posting untill the board has taken care of the issues at hand. I'm tired of the personal attacks and lies not being taken care of.

If you guys can't see whats going on here you should open your eyes.

Let it be known! If I start my thread and and anything like this goes on it next year i am gona be pissed!
I have met with DJJ already but we were busy makin hash. :D Didn't get time to really talk about anything more than that. Hit me up the next time you guys are brainstorming and I will try and come through.

Ignore will not allow you to read any of the posts that person has made. You will see a placeholder saying that there is a post there but you will not be able to view it.
She was ignored along time ago but it's kinda hard when you read the other members post dealing with her shit !
Its a new day. Cant wait for alottaball to get down here and him to check out my meds. I owe him a huge thanks and a hug haha hes the man that got me started on this journey and its been fun! Cant wait to get back to the bay area
She was ignored along time ago but it's kinda hard when you read the other members post dealing with her shit !

Understood but now I will be passing over any responses to her as well. :D I choose to read what I want to here and will be sticking to info only threads and trying to hone my techniques. Actually if things go as planned I will be making phone calls instead of looking here for info. ;)
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Understood but now I will be passing over any responses to her as well. :D I choose to read what I want to here and will be sticking to info only threads and trying to hone my techniques. Actually if things go as planned I will be making phone calls instead of looking here for info. ;)

Yea exactly. We lost some members but there is still hope for some. Even though's who were once cool and then totally lost it lol
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