1rst grow, 40 plants, 400 watts veg, 1000 watss bloom


Active Member
Its my first grow and I decided to try to grow with some bagseed I have been saving this past year or 2.

seeds - jiffy pots,
seedlings - Miricale grow potting soil,
vegging - 60 % plain potting soil no nutes,-30% perlite, -30% peat moss, 20% worm castings

Wall Mart 79cent spring water

Sensi grow-Sensi bloom

Seedlings clfs and 150 Metal halide
Vegging 150 and then 400 MH
Bloom will use 1000 Sodium

Sprouted seeds planted 3/30/08.

I used the paper towel method in a glass to germinate and I would say I had about a 90 % germ rate. I then used jiffy pots for the seedlings, but I soaked them in water then ripped off the outer mesh and just used the peat in a seedling stater tray with a cover. After 2-3 days when the tap root broke through the seed and the root was about 1/4 to 1/2 inch long I put them just under the peat in a hole and just covered the seed pod with a light covering of peat. Sprayed with mister to keep moist. All the seeds came up and sprouted!
I then put the seedling tray under CLFS and a couplle of those 2 foot purple grow Fls. I then transplanted them to 16 oz plastic cups in everybody's favoite medium Miricle grow potting soil!, when roots broke throu the bottom of the seed pot. Now you have to realize I tend to be lazy so some were not transplanted as soon as they should have been so I did see signs of slow growth as they were rootbound. The lights were on 24/7 the first 2 weeks under the clfs.
I could not wait to get my 400 watt HID so I went to home depot and got a 150 watt metal halide outdoor light and then stitched them to 16/8. They had from 2- 4 nodes then. (No timer,,I just turned out the light at bedtime 11;30 or so.) Well I was running out of room as I transplanted more and I got my 400 so I made room in the basement. I did the panda film on the walls ceiling floors and setup my 400 watter. ( I am addicted to ebay so when I saw a light mover for less than 100.00 I bought it. OK so now while waiting for that I saw that the plants were loving the 150 metal halide and decided to check on some roots. Yup! they were getting rootbound in the 16 ounce cups. HMMMM no pots to put them in yet so I cut cups in half used the top part for the plant and trans planted that in another 16 oz cup... a double decker!!!.
( Yea I know next time I will be ready with bigger pots but it worked for a week and a half thou LOL)
Well SO I got my light mover and setup my 400 at about week 3. So with the mover I now had about 4*7 feet growing space. They all almost fit and they loved it. Still at 16/8 and now I have them all in 1 gallon grow bags.

My question is under the 1000 sodium what size pot should I use? I do not want to transplant any more this is the last time! I am ready to start flowering. Most plants have 7-11 nodes and lots of secondary growth. they range from 11 to 16 inches tall.

Pics to come soon!


New Member
I would have topped them at about the 5th node but I would top them all now.
16 oz cups aren't all that big. How big do you plan on growing them?
I wqould plan on getting some bigger ocntainer but you don't have to spend a lot on them. There are a lot of things you can use BUT just make sure they are fromm organic sources. Like don't use a container that has once had chemicals in it 'cause they absorb some of them.

Probs for doing your homework. You sound like you have a good plan.:)


Active Member
I did FIMM some to get more colas. I have about 5 ft vertical grow room that is why I want to flower now. I also did top some so I do have a few 2 main stem plants. What I am asking is what would be the smallest pot to use till harvest. I am sick of transplanting. I see a lot of people use 2 -3 gallon pots but that is a lot of trips taking bag after bag of potting soil to the basement. I bought the 1 gallon to see what size they are and held out a slight hope that would be good enuf but I do not want to get root bound again. OK everyone vote on the smallest pot to use. I have 2 months veg ahead.:roll:


New Member
Yes transplanting is a pain in the ass but you reap what you so.
Just play it by ear. If you see the roots coming out the bottom then you know you have to transplant again.


Active Member
With the capacity of growth your 1000 have five gallon buckets would be recomended.give those girls a shake theyre pretty spindly!


Active Member
looking good Im at the tail end of a 50plant grow under a single 1000w halide..
Thanks So what size grow bags did you use on that 50 cloest grow?

With the capacity of growth your 1000 have five gallon buckets would be recomended.give those girls a shake theyre pretty spindly!
I just got back from the grocery store, (cheap spring water run)
and picked up a fan. Its on now!

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
I use the 1gallon bags.. I have 2 2'x4' trays I had 25 in each I've harvested about ten so far.. I just stopped posted pics on my thread though..Having camera issues... next time I'm doing 25 and vegging for 2weeks opposed to the 6days... and just using one tray... everything is too crowded in there right now..

check that water.. I've noticed sometimes it's only slightly better than tap water...I've gone from ro/di to plain tap water on this grow... I think the ro/di is definately better but I'm having good results with the tap water also and don't have to have my huge ass 55g water drum and lines rans allover my apt.=)

I try and keep them in the same size bag they will be in for the whole run after I root them...to avoid any shock with transplanting...and also since I've become fairly lazy lately=)


Active Member
soild s/b between 6.3-6.5 so your pretty good..
Thanks Bamm! I recently trans planted into the 1 gallon bags and can't get the watering schedule right. How often did you water and how much for the grow bags?

I have been using the lift and wiegh methoud but I THINK i AM OVERWATERING!. I have some drooping leaves on top . they like are curling under like a claw. Any help would be great!


Well-Known Member
looks and sounds good so far. i use 3/4-1gal pots from clone in a sog and have no problems with being root bound.

if you get a chance check out my grow in my sig under the pic just click..:blsmoke:

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
well I like to water every other day about 2-3cups or so per plant(basically I distributed 5gallons of water throughout 50plants this time..)

I have greatly neglected mine though and Im doing it about every third day and I have some massive leave yellowing...I need to water tonight actually... had I been watering more frequently I would've gotten some bigger nugds I think also=)...


Active Member
Long time overdue for an update.

I am into about day 34 or flower give or take a couple of days.

I am down to 28 females out of the 40 or so.

I am running a 400 HPS mounted vertically on a 4 ft light rail with areal high tech refector ( Carboard and mylar ;).

I elevated all the outside plants about 12 - 16 inches and remounted the light vertically.

I have temps running 72-79 day - 70-60 night.

For nutes I use Advanced Sensi bloom increased by teaspoon per gallon on every other water and am up to 4 per.

I will let the pics speak for themselves.
