1month harvest strategy??


Well-Known Member
is it possible for this to work???

germinate 6 seeds...+-3days
pot seedlings and put under floro's(3x40W)for 3 weeks
repot and put 6 plants under a 400W MH for 3 wk
Put under HPS (4x250W)2Start flowering for 3wks...
repot again into final pots under hps(1x1000W+2x250W)
and flower till end....
if i can keep this up and put mothers under the MH, and take clones from them, should i get a steady grow or is there some other way to give me a constant supply?and i dnt wana harvest every 2wks( 2much maintanance)any suggestions???


Well-Known Member
plants take about 7 to 12 weeks 12/12.
depending on strain.
vegg some plants.
and then put 2 into flower every 2 weeks.
so after say 8 weeks, when the first ones are ready.
the last lot that should be 6 weeks 12/12 will be ready 2 week later
and so on..
2 out.
2 in.
take a long time to start but once you up and running.
youll get a harvest every 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
you dont need all them lights for 6 plants.
all youll need for your biggest light is a 400hps, and flos to vegg. for just 6 plants.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man..multiply the hole setup by 4 and you looking at the facilities ive built up.im just looking for a good harvest strategy now!!! Iv also grown my own strain that finnishes budding in 8 weeks, so i usually pick it around the 7th wk.Im hoping the hole system will be good by then.I'm starting with 30 cuttings and i'm slowly building it up.the flowering room should have +-25 plants in 6 weeks tym and ill be doing 20 cuttings at a time after that..The Flowing room should have close to 50 plants flowering in it within 4months...thats the idea at least......


Well-Known Member
better to do in stages i think. more harvests less dry periods
if you have 4 oz of weed, and expect it to lasrt say. 2 grams a day.
that never happenes.
the more you have the more you smoke.
less chances of fuck up.
and they happen.


New Member
I would 1 1000w light for 6 plants and flower the whole time with that one. I use a 1000w in one of my flower rooms and have it on a 3-4 week cycly, I average 1/4lb on each plant... I picked these yesterday

