1g per watt question


New Member
It is just an estimate based on the average watts of lights provided during both vegative and budding. It is ludicrous to base the cost merely upon budding wattages or to not take time into account. If the plants are receiving 1000 watts for 8 weeks and 600 watts for 4 then its ((1000 * 8+(600 * 4))/(8+4) = 867 watts. Cloning/seedling cost is just a minor given. That means you hope for a yield of 867 grams. Or 867 grams / Or 1 gram per watt. That is an obtainable goal even without using CO2 for most growers.

Some growers actually shoot for one gram per kWh used for lighting to produce the crop. Given the above times ((1000 watts * 8 weeks * 7days/week * 12 hr/day) + (600 watts * 4 weeks * 7days/week * 16 hr/day)) = 940 kWh. This would mean with say a SOG grow at four plants per square foot with 60 watts per square foot at budding, would have to each produce ((940 grams /(1000 watts)/(60 watts/sq ft)*(4 plants/sq foot))= 14.1 grams. Not far fetched. Half an ounce per each SOG plant. If that can not be done then you should not be growing pot. As the lighting is only about half the cost. Meaning (2*940) *$0.25/kWh = $470 for 940 grams. At a value of $15/gram that is (940 * 15) = $14,100 so ($14100/$470)= 30 Thats the ticket a 30X return on your money minus depreciation on your capital investment etc. Say 5 crops per year minimum. ((5 * $14100)-(5 * $470) - ($5000 capital investment)= $63,150 for a single small 600 watt veg room of say 10 square feet with budding under just 1000 watts of light in a single small area of 20 square feet. Now that is good valuable real estate. And people ask if CO2 is worth the cost????


Well-Known Member
i just harvested a plant i lst'd .i vegged it under 6 x13 watt and 2 x 23 watt daylight for 6 wks.flowererd under 6x13 watt2700k and 2 13watt 6500k and i harvested 94 gramsfrom a 14" plant . 124 watts total. not 2 bad, im going for a pound; ive got 3 more to chop.ive learned so fekkin much from yall its crazy,now i dont have to buy no more brown-bag specials for $30 a quarter.thanks to all yall ,i tink im gonna cry.

$30 a quarter!?! Either you meant eighth or thats some really shitty weed.


Well-Known Member
Are these different equations for the same thing?

It is just an estimate based on the average watts of lights provided during both vegative and budding. It is ludicrous to base the cost merely upon budding wattages or to not take time into account. If the plants are receiving 1000 watts for 8 weeks and 600 watts for 4 then its ((1000 * 8+(600 * 4))/(8+4) = 867 watts. Cloning/seedling cost is just a minor given. That means you hope for a yield of 867 grams. Or 867 grams / Or 1 gram per watt. That is an obtainable goal even without using CO2 for most growers.

Some growers actually shoot for one gram per kWh used for lighting to produce the crop. Given the above times ((1000 watts * 8 weeks * 7days/week * 12 hr/day) + (600 watts * 4 weeks * 7days/week * 16 hr/day)) = 940 kWh. This would mean with say a SOG grow at four plants per square foot with 60 watts per square foot at budding, would have to each produce ((940 grams /(1000 watts)/(60 watts/sq ft)*(4 plants/sq foot))= 14.1 grams. Not far fetched. Half an ounce per each SOG plant. If that can not be done then you should not be growing pot. As the lighting is only about half the cost. Meaning (2*940) *$0.25/kWh = $470 for 940 grams. At a value of $15/gram that is (940 * 15) = $14,100 so ($14100/$470)= 30 Thats the ticket a 30X return on your money minus depreciation on your capital investment etc. Say 5 crops per year minimum. ((5 * $14100)-(5 * $470) - ($5000 capital investment)= $63,150 for a single small 600 watt veg room of say 10 square feet with budding under just 1000 watts of light in a single small area of 20 square feet. Now that is good valuable real estate. And people ask if CO2 is worth the cost????
That sounds pretty optomistic, the yield of the grow that is not a sog is something like (867/28.5) 31.5oz a harvest or 1.9 lbs. kiss-asswhich seems optomistic, secondly who is growing 2lbs every 3 months and selling it off by the gram? bongsmilie I do like the way you think about maxamizing capital but I wasn't really trying to translate it into dollars or profit just yield. I personaly would be pretty stoked on 1.25-1.5 lbs ona (600wt veg + 1000 wt flwr), stoked indeed.

Now I'm not that smart :eyesmoke: but I do relize that all of this is speculation and reality deviates from theory more often than not.


:peace: I do like the optomism


New Member
The post is meant in jest as for any indication that anyone on this site other than the seed selling money hungry sponsors would actually seek to profit from their growing ventures as everyone knows it is all about supllying medical marijuana to those sick and in need to the relief ony we can provide through or decication to supplying a medicinal horticultural product.!!! Well maybe just a little head stash too.

Although that would be quite an optimistic yield for a soil grow without all the ammendities such as a high temp, sealed, climate controlled, CO2 enriched, aeroponic system it is not beyond a reasonable amount for a high end system.

The two different estaimated/calculated amounts are different in the at the second is a little more precise as it actually deals with lighting duration in hours over a period of weks. You bolded the obvious differences in the equations!!!! As for the $15 per gram amount use: when the local law pops someone here they actually list the value of all smokable cannabis (even shake) at $25 per gram.


Well-Known Member
ahhh! I see the KWH, ok totally, It makes a lot more since. As far as the producible amount, I still think that’s optimistic but I don't have anything against optimism.

I didn't mean the assumption that the grow was for personal profit was a negative one or that you participated in any such process. I was merely pointing out that some people hypothetical people may/may not grow for profit. I did miss the ironic inflection you are suggesting it had, my bad.

The 25$ gram value your local PD puts on marijuana is pretty steep but maybe that&#8217;s the price the SEE-EYE-AYE says they get for it. <shrug> Those guys can be crooks you know. Either way I personally don&#8217;t use either of them in any assessment of value, whether its moral or monetary. 25$ is unscrupulously high. it does make 15 look reasonable though.


New Member
In the remote areas of the state the cost of average bud is $50 per gram., if they are lucky the can get a short quarter for $250. A fifth of whiskey is $75. A case of beer $100. Fish are cheap.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
if i have to buy one pipe each paydate im building me one of them setup
i allready want a 600w hps and all i need is a pound and thatly last me
if i can get that im cool
this is just gr8
40 oz with one 600 w hps thats just gr8

click pic to inlarge


Well-Known Member
No question, the most efficient way to grow is with the shortest veg time possible. The only constraint on this is legal plant number limits or it would be best to flower just as soon as the plants are solidly out of clone phase. The main reason is that light deminishes with the square of the distance and everything below the canopy is waste. The lower you can get your canopy the better.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
if i have to buy one pipe each paydate im building me one of them setup
i allready want a 600w hps and all i need is a pound and thatly last me
if i can get that im cool
this is just gr8
40 oz with one 600 w hps thats just gr8

click pic to inlarge
this is dry weight numbers
1.8 almost 2gpw


Well-Known Member
if i have to buy one pipe each paydate im building me one of them setup
i allready want a 600w hps and all i need is a pound and thatly last me
if i can get that im cool
this is just gr8
40 oz with one 600 w hps thats just gr8

click pic to inlarge
to bad those 90 degree fitting cost like 25 bucks a piece, Heath has got over 500$ in just the corners.. :eyesmoke:

But the investment would certainly show a nice turn around..

thanks for posting this thread, opens up a whole new box of thinking..


pandoras box

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
hey thanks on the headsup on the prices of those joints, but diff. worth the investments that thing will take all my tax returns to build, but except no substutes
for soil grower you prolly could use book shelfs in a same maner, with each shelf level tilted to cup the pots
maybe useing 16 oz - 1gal pots


Respect has all,
can exceed the Gr / Watt without Hydroponic or without big lamp ...
it is possible to 1Gr/Watt with a 150w, 250w ! lol !
Usually a gene that produces the good case. A good management of Ec (same in Earth) ...
Make 1Gr/Watt with only 1 fertilizer is also possible.
No requirement to have 15 Fertilizer ...
Knowing the genetic, have patience and be logic is important !
for fun I post 2 pictures of plants made with a single fertilizer, (Terra Florés of CANNA) and soil under 250w HPS.

With 3 NL9 I was 256Gr under 250w HPS.
With Bubblegum x Sour Diesel = 251Gr I was under 250w with 2 plants ...
Knowing the genetics is important ...

Change all the time genetics is not a good plan for it! If we know well its genetics. it is simpler.
Have 2000w or 4000w HPS HPS is much easier to collect ... but in the AUTO-PRODUCTION. For small farmers with 150, 250 or 400w this is different! Farmers harvest 50Gr with 250w HPS. 100Gr or a 400w HPS. this not mean that it is bad!
it takes time! know its genetics! analyze problems! begin again.
To say that a gene is bad is not the solution. All the genetics have qualities. This is the farmer to find! Understand ...
Owning 5000W HPS and play King of Cannabis to small farmer is reductive. Not rely on aid for more ...
The farmer (even with 150w HPS) is to understand its plant ...

PEACE has all !

