1am weed calls


Well-Known Member
i really hate when im sleeping and ppl phone me looking for weed. its ok if they are really good buddies but often then not if they want it i have to walk to then and deliver. its a pain in the ass so now if ppl phone me and its not 1 of my best buds well im goning back to sleep lol.

a girl phond me 2 days ago and wantd so pot, (it was 2am )so i said ok but my shits grownd up allready. i said id roll her a j. she lives like 6 houses down and wantd me to go there and give it to her. i said fuck u, if you want weed that bad at 2am your coming here. she said ok and when she got here she said shed pay me in a day or 2.

how do u not have 10 bucks. i said gome back with money or no weed. so after she left i smoked her j lmao. she didnt come back in thos 2 days


Well-Known Member
Lmao. That's the way to do it. Don't loan shit to noone. You gotta hunt them down to get it back. I also would tell them to hold off till daylight. Nothing more suspicious then people comin to your door at 2 AM.


Well-Known Member
I try to show respect to anyone who's sold to me(hey, you are doing me a favor really). Though most dealers it's all about the money, to some it's about the friendship and weed. The latter is the best. I still never call a dealer unless I know he's awake and won't mind the call. Even then, I haven't done that since college, I grow or I buy before 8 P.M.

slurms mckenzie

Active Member
Ya thats late, some of the people i know that sold coke for a while quit selling it mainly because they would always get calls all through the night and morning. Most people that smoke seem to me like their in bed by 10 during the week, haha, atleast i am.


Well-Known Member
true about the respect thing. the girls just random. iv sold to her a few times here and there but she hasnt sold to me even when i knew she had alot lol. phonecalls past 12 get annoying but befor then is fine


Well-Known Member
lmao u think uve got it bad, i constantly have my phone ringing all night, till about 3am - 4am, people wanting me to go outside and do stupid shit, sell them weed/coke/candys lmao it gets ridiculoous so sometimes i turn my phone off before i go to bed.


Well-Known Member
Id be fine with it, id get them to meet as close as possible though im not walking far that late haha.