1920w and 1280w monster strip builds

There are 4 sections of this light. 480+ watts per section. The absolute brightest light I have ever built. Every connection is hand soldered. Heatshrink at every connection and weighs less than 5lbs per section minus the driver. I have one last section to finish soldering andheat shrinking. And then this light will be sent to a good buddy. I cant wait to see it all put together and hung up.

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There are 4 sections of this light. 480+ watts per section. The absolute brightest light I have ever built. Every connection is hand soldered. Heatshrink at every connection and weighs less than 5lbs per section minus the driver. I have one last section to finish soldering andheat shrinking. And then this light will be sent to a good buddy. I cant wait to see it all put together and hung up.

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Looking Good!
what is stopping the strips from bending?

very sleek bro

They are mounted on heatsinks.

Thanks I love how it turned out. It's only 5 1/4" thick. And each section weighs than the driver running it. I'm gonna try to put all 4 sections together and get a pic of this evening. Its jus so big I dont really have the room. So I'm gonna pull my baby outta the garage, if it's not raining. And hang it, so I can par map it hopefully. Just sucks I'll only have an open room to map it.
Yea series, it’s right at the top of its voltage. There is a little headroom. It’s all good, it’s really bright. I’m running about 80% in strips and 100% on my logics which feels good. :)
At full tilt the angle I used gets a bit hot. The surface opposite the strip is high 90s pushing 100 f. I don’t plan on turning it full blast, but I think fans would be in order. Speaking of in order I just noticed I need to change my sequence order lol

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Lol so you’re the reason digikey is like in permanent back order on those strips now Hahahaha.
It's beautiful can I hold it
It’s a thing of beauty man! Has it been lit? Did you get a par map together yet?

Yeah I've lit it. Not par mapped it yet. I'm only gonna par map half of it. This thing is huge. Once together its 48" wide and 90" long. I dont have room in my house to hang the whole thing.
Heres a finished underside. I wish I would've run the wires different. But I wouldnt have been able to hide all of them. Only about an inch to an inch and a half of wire shows. The rest of it is hidden. Minus the the two cables coming off the drivers, and the power cords. But I think it looks pretty clean and sleek. ..

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awesome job whytewindow, just found this thread of your build, there is the Spyder, then there is the Centipede,lol. Looking forward to a grow bro.!
The light is done. Minus putting the framing slot cover on. Soon as it gets here. This light will be 100% complete. Has full wireless control from his phone, full dimming ability, temp n humidity monitoring. Theres two of these. 960+ watts per section. Each half section only weighs 19lbs. Total weight is 38lbs. And comes in at only 3.75" thick. Giving him extra headroom to boot.

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Probably a silly question, but what are the smaller boxes attached to the drivers?

Nice job bro, very sleek and clean.