1800w White Lavender & Cheese

(2) 400w
(1) 1000w
Subcool's Super Soil
22 days flwr

So yeah, this journal is getting started quite late, but I figured I'd skip this very long veg process that's been underway and get to the good stuff: FLOWERING

G13 Labs White Lavender mother, vegged 163 days. She's under a 400w mh. Originally wanted to put her under a scrog but she was sharing the light with some autos and got pretty large, so I let her flower as is 7-24-13 garden (6).JPG7-24-13 garden (7).JPG7-24-13 garden (9).JPG7-24-13 garden (10).JPG

Have five clones under a 400w hps. 4 are G13 labs Cheese, and one is White Lavender. Transfered them to 5 gal buckets from 2 gal pots. They vegged for about 45 days with a bit of lst'ing to get some nice separated tops. 7-24-13 garden (2).JPG7-24-13 garden (3).JPG7-24-13 garden (4).JPG7-24-13 garden (5).JPG

And here's the G13 Cheese mother. Vegged for 181 days, Jesus o_O 1000w mh. She got so large I had to cut a 1/4 off of a 32 gal trashcan to get a container to fit her in for flowering after she outgrew a 12gal container. I put a scrog over her for about two weeks to train her into a semi-even canopy, but she wasn't trained to be under it permanently and looked like a clusterfuck until I took it off. Looks like I'll be tying some branches to the walls or the light if she ends up packing on too much weight. 7-24-13 garden.JPG7-24-13 garden (18).JPG7-24-13 garden (19).JPG

Not the coolest set up in the world, but it's gonna work for now. In the future I'd like to invest in cool tubes and tents, and do a successful scrog for the first time. This is my third time growing. First go round' was with 3 Dutch Passion Think Different autos, yielding close to 7 zips. Second consisted of 2 Think Diffs and one Veneno from Eva Seeds yielding 12 zips. Hoping to get anywhere from a lb to 1.5 lbs this time. We'll see what happens bongsmilie

Peace and love RIU
33 days flwr (yesterday)


White Lavender mothership DSCN2545.JPGDSCN2546.JPGDSCN2547.JPGDSCN2548.JPG

Cheesus Christ DSCN2550.JPGDSCN2551.JPG

Some G13 Cheese cfl closet clones (4) in 3gal pots. Been in veg 53 days. Just did my last bit of lst'ing on them; plan on adding a few more cfls and flowering them this week or next DSCN2552.JPGDSCN2553.JPGDSCN2554.JPGDSCN2555.JPG

Thus far I'm only giving the flowering girls water. The Cheese mom takes 1.5gal about every 2 days; such a thirsty girl:lol: Gonna top off the White Lav mother with some more super soil as it looks like her lower leaves are yellowing. And that's about it for now.

Hello all. I love the way this thread is blowing up...... :clap:

But down to business: pics from day 54 of flower

The clones have the best looking bud formations. Something about the big mothers that doesn't give them huge, dense buds. BUT they DO have a lot of good looking ones
Really looking forward to harvesting these big Cheese clone colas. It looks like the clones have filled in on their full size. The white pistils are starting to curl and they're getting many orange hairs. Bout time to break out the scope and start checking them up close DSCN2586.JPGDSCN2587.JPG

White Lavender. Has anybody grown this strain before? Doesn't seem like a whole lot of people have from the lack of grow journals I've seen on it. Her tip top colas are looking like they'll be ready pretty soon. Only has a few white pistils left and the rest are receding. She smells like candy and has a beautiful resin profile with some decently dense looking buds at the top DSCN2588.JPGDSCN2589.JPGDSCN2590.JPGDSCN2591.JPG

And my Cheese mother. Damn she stinks so nicely. The buds have a dominantly sweet smell with a mild skunk to it, which really makes the smell noticeable from a distance.
She's got a whole lot of medium sized bud, and a few colas that look pretty big, but nothing compared to the larger colas of her clones. Appears that she's gonna be the first plant to be harvested, if not the White Lavender. DSCN2593.JPGDSCN2594.JPGDSCN2596.JPGDSCN2597.JPGDSCN2598.JPGDSCN2599.JPG

Don't hesitate to leave some feedback (lol) if anybody's grown one of these G13 strains before.
Hey, Orcannic! Were with ya, man. Keep up the good work. Those are some enormous stalks you got on the big mamas! I came for the white lavender since i guess you're the only person out there growing it... besides me. I'm on day 68 veg and I'm probably gonna give em a couple more weeks to let the other plants catch up. I topped it after about 3 weeks and the nodes are just starting to stack up, one on top of the other. I burnt the shit out of my Skunk #11 a couple waterings ago and it didn't do thing to the WL. Seems like it has grown a little slow but a great plant so far and I can't wait to see her in flower. If mine ends up being 1/6 of what yours is, I'm set. Keep us updated!



Active Member
Im subbed bro. Lavender is my favorite strain its the mellowest bud I have smoked so im curious to see how this white lavender comes out. When its all said and done plz have a taste/high test for us
Hey, Orcannic! Were with ya, man. Keep up the good work. Those are some enormous stalks you got on the big mamas! I came for the white lavender since i guess you're the only person out there growing it... besides me. I'm on day 68 veg and I'm probably gonna give em a couple more weeks to let the other plants catch up. I topped it after about 3 weeks and the nodes are just starting to stack up, one on top of the other. I burnt the shit out of my Skunk #11 a couple waterings ago and it didn't do thing to the WL. Seems like it has grown a little slow but a great plant so far and I can't wait to see her in flower. If mine ends up being 1/6 of what yours is, I'm set. Keep us updated!
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Precciate in slinky! I've only seen a few people growing WL, its good to see more people who have it. I'm guessing most people got this strain as a freebie from The Attitude.
That's a nice looking girl you've got man. She really is a great strain, didn't give any problems as long as I've had her. Looks like she's gonna throw you some nice looking buds.
Ya, mine was a freebie, but I'm not complaining at all! I just realized that your "clowns" are about what I'm hoping for from my girl. Got any pics of your mothers towards the end of veg by any chance? Btw I'm growing in 5 gallon smart pots ffof under T5s right now and 1000w for flower. How are you liking that subcool soil? Thinking about trying some super soil withing the next few runs.
I don't have any of Lavender towards the end of veg, but I found some of when she was in a 5gal bucket DSCN2421.JPGDSCN2422.JPG She eventually went to 7, then 12.

And some of the oldest veg from Cheese in 7gal DSCN2433.JPGDSCN2434.JPG She went to a 12, then around 22 for flwr. Next grow I want to put just clones under scrog grids.

How many girls'll be under your 1k?
I'm diggin' the super soil so far. Barely had any problems with it except for one Super Lemon Haze plant that got pretty burned, and still threw some potent bud. Didn't even check the ph of my first batch and the girls seemed to love it every time. I pay about $200 to make (3) 32 gal trashcans full of it, which lasts about 3-4 harvests for me so far.

Do the smart pots make a pretty big difference for your plants than plastic pots?
Thanks for the pics, man. I was just curious about the stretch in flower. I'll have the WL, Skunk #11, 1 or 2 blue dream (still trying to decide if I should trash one), And a month and a half old LSD plant all under the 1000 watt. I've got a supplemental LED light too (It's the Super UFO from grow blu). I've only been running the 1000 watt at 600 in my 4x4 due to heat tho. Super soil sounds perfect for me. Do you make your soil in advance and let it sit for a while before using it? I honestly have no idea whether or not the smart pots make a difference, from my personal experience, but I've heard a lot of really respected growers swear by em. So that's good enough for me. I'm right there with you on the scrog idea. It just seams like it would make more sense and all you need is one mother with good genetics. How are your trichs lookin on your girls?
Im subbed bro. Lavender is my favorite strain its the mellowest bud I have smoked so im curious to see how this white lavender comes out. When its all said and done plz have a taste/high test for us
I'll definitely post the yield and a smoke report. Really looking forward to her cured too.
Seems like she's treated you well? :weed:
Thanks for the pics, man. I was just curious about the stretch in flower. I'll have the WL, Skunk #11, 1 or 2 blue dream (still trying to decide if I should trash one), And a month and a half old LSD plant all under the 1000 watt. I've got a supplemental LED light too (It's the Super UFO from grow blu). I've only been running the 1000 watt at 600 in my 4x4 due to heat tho. Super soil sounds perfect for me. Do you make your soil in advance and let it sit for a while before using it? I honestly have no idea whether or not the smart pots make a difference, from my personal experience, but I've heard a lot of really respected growers swear by em. So that's good enough for me. I'm right there with you on the scrog idea. It just seams like it would make more sense and all you need is one mother with good genetics. How are your trichs lookin on your girls?
The stretch wasn't a whole lot, but enough for her outsides to get a bit neglected.
I had a little problem with my 1k heat at first. Made me wish I had a cooltube.
I mix the soil ahead of time, saturate each container with ~3gal water, let it sit for a month or two. Testing the ph would be ideal for peace of mind, but it's supposed to be a check-proof mix. You pretty much can't go wrong with it. Only thing I like to add a lot of afterwards is perlite.

The trichs on the Cheese mother are still looking a little on the clear side. I cut half of the Lavender mother down Sunday and want to let the rest of her go 70-75 days to do a comparison. Trichs look 80-90% cloudy on the cuts I took.
And the Cheese clowns still have quite a few white pistils, especially on the donkey dick colas, but are looking more cloudy than anything. Probably gonna cut a few down around 70 days.
Right on! I think I'm gonna start getting everything together that I need to make some super soil. Big fan of perlite since I feel like it makes up for a little bit of human error here and there. Hope you exceed your expectations with your grow!
Today and yesterday I cut down the rest of White Lavender and all of the clowns, along with 1/5 of the Cheese mother.
I was a little iffy about taking some of the clones, but overall they looked ready to come down (yellowing, crumbling fan leaves). Some had a few clear trichs and white pistils protruding here and there, making me think I'm a little early in the harvest window, but if so it can't be by much (day 75 flwr).

The drying rack is more loaded up than it's ever been ;-) DSCN2630.JPGDSCN2631.JPGDSCN2632.JPG

...and I've still got 3/4 of the Cheese mother to chop :lol:

FINALLY exceeded the 1 lb mark :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:
Congrats on the harvest, man! That 1 pound mark is a big one. Let us know how the cured smoke is. I just flipped mine to 12/12 after 85 days veg so check back in 8-11 weeks for harvest.
Thanks slink! If I don't give up on this thread I'll definitely comment on the cure.

I smoked a small j of Lavender last week and it was pretty damn strong. Almost felt like a mushroom trip, but it was very psychedelic/mental/heady for sure. Makes me forget what I'm doing and everything, I really like it (makes music sound very captivating too). Tasted really good even uncured. The high doesn't last but about an hr and a half, then fades into a milder, stoney high.
Might've been strong because I've been smoking one-two days a week lately, but it's still some fine smoke :eyesmoke:

Looking forward to seeing your girls bloom man. Where can I keep track of them?
Ohhh man! Now you got me all excited. I thought it was gonna be some mediocre, mellow smoke so that's all good news! I have it growing next to a two month old bush of LSD too! Haha I'm actually not that savvy with this website so I don't post but I'm sure I'll be posting my finished product, as well as some other stuff, over at http://www.reddit.com/r/microgrowery/new/
I go by the same name (slinkyonatreadmill) over there. Cool little community.