1800 watts Sealed and CO2 Enriched."A Teachers Learning Process"

Tried a sample today. It's ready for trimmin, and I'll begin tomorrow.

The flavor is really great, a nice mouth full of sweet OG. My stone came on very
slowly but after about 45 minutes I had pretty much lost my shit. Very heavy stone,
Especially around the eyes. I seemed to get top heavy as well, it felt like my brain weighed 20lbs. Can't say coordination isn't
affected at least a little. Pics tomorrow.
Tried a sample today. It's ready for trimmin, and I'll begin tomorrow.

The flavor is really great, a nice mouth full of sweet OG. My stone came on very
slowly but after about 45 minutes I had pretty much lost my shit. Very heavy stone,
Especially around the eyes. I seemed to get top heavy as well, it felt like my brain weighed 20lbs. Can't say coordination isn't
affected at least a little. Pics tomorrow.

Put on eye of the tiger and get those fingers stretched out lol
The WiFi OG.

A 1.75 gram nug

First plant trimmed, weighed 82 grams

what did you pay to get the mini split installed if you do not mind.. that is all that is holding be back from sealing up & running co2.
Thanks guys, it's got a killer smell. Very indicative of the OG in there, same with the flavor.

My neighbor has a Nikon D700 with some great macro lenses and we'll be snapping a few
shots soon. And I hope to be running some samples through the lab as well.

RawBudzki - My unit was about $1500 with delivery.
The WiFi OG.

A 1.75 gram nug

I have a couple WiFi beans lurking around. I tried to germ 8 of them a while back and ended up with 8 sad little mutants. Was supper bummed considering I lucked out getting the seeds to begin with. Seeing that nug makes me want to try germing those last two beans... Damn Raskal!

Forgot to mention that I'm subbing for sure. Thanks again for all the great info, Shrubs.
It is brand new...1 year parts and labor and 5 year compressor through Frostbox which is owned by...you guessed it Sunlight Supply Conglomerate... pretty good deal...your model is no longer available or it is the one I would have purchased...gruinaire correct?
It is brand new...1 year parts and labor and 5 year compressor through Frostbox which is owned by...you guessed it Sunlight Supply Conglomerate... pretty good deal...your model is no longer available or it is the one I would have purchased...gruinaire correct?

Bomb bro, 5 year compressor is where it's at. Should be a solid unit.

But yea, Grunaire is the maker of mine and they did slightly change up their unit selection,
and they are definitely more expensive.