18 days into veg, bottom leaves yellowing


Well-Known Member
I am 18 days into veg and both of my plants are starting to yellow. They are under 4 26w CFLs. 2 days ago I transplanted them from a solo cup to a 3 gallon pot. Any ideas?

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Well-Known Member
I haven't bought any nutes yet. I'll go pick some up tomorrow and give it a try. I have fall lawn fertilizer here, 30-0-3, which would have the nitrogen I need. I think I will just buy some new stuff though. What should I look for?


Active Member
low N

anything with well balanced npk ex. 10-10-10 is good, I used 24-8-16 for long veg, 11-35-15 flower


Well-Known Member
They need nitro bro. very very light feed cause they are still babies. Dont use the lawn fert wait till tomarrow.


if you cant get nutes right away get a few ml of a mate and foliage spray bud get Nitro stright to the leaves through the veins, make sure to do it just as the lights come on or 5 mins before so it gets absorbed better